Friday, December 30, 2016

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2016- The Goodbye

Our elves went back to the North Pole this year on the day they were supposed to. I think they were a little tired of our crazy Oklahoma weather...

We decided that since the elves were not U.S. citizens, that this was a hint that it was time to plan a trip. Think the other adult in the house took the bait? 

Christmas Eve. Of course we must make Reindeer Food. 

We came home from Christmas Eve Service and found this....
Here is Miss K reading the letter. 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 30th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you had this year! And once again, we will play next year...

The 4-Crow's Blog

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf16 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2016 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2016- Week 4

The last full week of Christmas 2016. How does that even happen? And of course the elves are not going to go back to the NP without lots of fun...

Charley and Malia decided that it would be fun to TP Miss K's Christmas tree on Day 22!

Bowling at the Candy Cane Lanes on Day 23. 
(Santa found the pins at Michaels and the bowling lane printable from Learning as I Sew)

Thanks to Social Media, the elves changed their calendar up a bit this week and added this one in...Miss K even added a video to her YouTube Channel. Be sure to follow her. 
She has big plans in 2017, 

Ha! It took forever for Miss K to find the elves in this hiding place. 

The last day of school 2016!! 

Magic North Pole Seeds. Here is a closer look at the directions and a printable for next year. 

(link to print jpg or pdf)

24 hours later, the seeds grew a peppermint swirl lollipop!!

Only two more days until Christmas. What will day 29 and 30 bring? 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 30th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

The 4-Crow's Blog

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf16 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2016 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2016- Week 3

Our Elf season is moving very quickly. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only 9 days away. The Elf report to the North Pole has been very favorable this week.

It is okay to play with your food when you make Fun friend designs out of it! 

BeanBoozle anyone? Dead Fish or Strawberry Banana Smoothie?

Luke 1:26-28 (NIV)

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” 

And of course in North Pole Fashion, this morning began with a birthday tradition visit from our elves! Yikes!!! We have a 16 year old in the house.

How about an elf joke? Can you say CORNY?

Break out the blood pressure cuff, the stethoscope, the kleenexes and the Elf on the Shelf bandaids. 
Rudolph is SICK. So is Daddy Crow. Poor babies. 

Only 10 more days until Christmas!! The elves love this fireplace that Miss K made, the Yuletide video on the iPod is very toasty! 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 30th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

The 4-Crow's Blog

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf16 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2016 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

November 25
December 2
December 9
December 16
December 23
December 30

 photo BlogSignature_zpsaaa2dccc.png

Friday, December 9, 2016

Amazon Prime Photos has all New Features! Plus an Opportunity to Win a $500 Gift Card Provided by #PrimePhotos #FamilyVault #Ad

2,255. That is currently the number of photos on my phone. That is a lot of risk. Right?

Amazon has launched an all-new Prime Photos experience with Family Vault. Now, Prime members can share their benefit of unlimited photo storage with up to five family members or friends at no additional cost. Prime Photos is free for Prime members and makes it easy for family members to safely store and share all their favorite photos.

Additional new features include: Image Search, People view and Places view. Prime members can now order photo prints, cards, photo books, and calendars directly from their Prime Photos account. Download the new Prime Photos app here:

Anyone that knows me, knows that I always have my Kindle Fire with me and I must have free shipping when I shop online, This is why I love my Amazon Prime. Now with free unlimited photo storage for Prime members I can now be worry free with my other favorite past time- my phone. Prime Photos is available on computers, iOS and Android phones, and tablets.

The advantages of Prime Photos to me are unlimited:

  • I free up space on my phone.
  • I can quickly find and discover pictures- that's not easy with 2000+ photos to scroll through
  • I can invite up to 5 people to share with me- HELLO my kids are taking pictures now!!
  • It's available on ALL my devices.
  • FREE, UNLIMITED STORAGE because I am a Prime member
  • Plus an opportunity to win a $500 gift card provided by now until 12/31.

Make sure YOU download the new Prime Photos app and start creating beautiful holiday gifts today!

 photo BlogSignature_zpsaaa2dccc.png

Thanks to Amazon for sponsoring this post and providing prizes for the giveaway!
Fire and the Amazon Fire TV logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2016- Week 2

Malia and friends were in full Elf mode this week. The messes they left and the things they drug out kept ME busy.

Thank goodness they didn't find the whipped cream. 

Miss K performed in three shows of the Nutcracker over the weekend. The elves decided she needed to paint a nutcracker.

I think they heard someone complaining that the pencil supply was running low at school.

See, No stairs needed for a slinky. 

Birthday celebration for one of our favorite little people. 


More school supplies!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 30th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

The 4-Crow's Blog

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf16 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2016 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

November 25
December 2
December 9
December 16
December 23
December 30

 photo BlogSignature_zpsaaa2dccc.png

Friday, December 2, 2016

Elf on a Shelf with The 4- Crow's Blog 2016- Week 1

Week one of Charley and Malia's visit was a success. The Crow kids were pretty good. 

Xbox games, a Hatchimal...looks like the Elves have a few things on their Christmas list also!

Breakfast time!

Uh oh! Extra renforcements are needed this year. A Santa Cam!

A new outfit!

Twister anyone?

This tree needed lights also.

Reading fun with old friends. Some of these friends are as old as Braden. 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 30th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

The 4-Crow's Blog

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf16 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2016 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

November 25
December 2
December 9
December 16
December 23
December 30

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