Monday, April 26, 2010

MckLinky Monday: Lessons Learned in Marriage


Today at The RHOK its tell
What funny or not lessons did you learn during your first year of marriage?
Hmm, can I say that I am approaching my fifth year of marriage May 19th and am still learning by the day?
Here is my top 10 list, Jason approved of course:

  1. He is not my Ex-Husband, the things my ex did, Jason does not do and I should not ever expect that behavior, there is a reason an ex is an ex. Jason simply is not that proud!

  2. I knew he had the big brown recliner when we met, it was his and obviously if it already had an imprint of his rear in it, that should have been a big clue!

  3. He likes his cereal or should I say box of cereal and could care less if I cook for him or not, he does not expect a me to cook for him, my feelings should not be hurt.

  4. Some women would love a man to clean the house, so what if he is doing my job!

  5. The only thing he does not like me to do in the evenings is laundry, why?

  6. I have learned not to throw away holey underwear and socks- they are the most comfortable.

  7. Lately, a discussion is better documented in text, because I carry on conversation with too many people and fail to tell my spouse- OUCH! We are becoming busy parents.

  8. Why can't I mow the grass? I'm really not complaining.

  9. If toilets or another major operating fixture is fixed, it better be blogged, facebooked and tweeted about!

  10. He is the most wonderful Husband and Father in the World. He loves us all Unconditionally. He may not have been there when Braden was born, but he has stepped in, formed a bond and deservingly holds the honor of being called Daddy by both of  his children!
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Crow
May 19, 2005
The Little White Wedding Chapel
Las Vegas, Nevada

What funny lessons did you learn in your first year of marriage?
Link up over at The RHOK!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's a Floppy Spring Around the Crow's Nest!

I finally got my Spring pedicure yesterday! I think Jason was very happy. Best $23 I've spent on myself all year long, if I do say so myself, what do you think? Definitely blog/brag worthy! And of course I am getting to wear my Flip Flops finally after that ankle injury last summer! Yay!!!

Check out the new design of FlipFlops I made the other night as a fundraiser for Braden's Football team BA Black- I call this Girlalicious and of course Kaybrie Jayne gets the trial pair. This pair is $10, call me or Facebook me to order. I can do almost anything.

This post is titled Floppy for a reason...not only do we have flip flops this spring, but we also have three wild floppy bunny rabbits running around between our house and the neighbors and they aren't scared! This is the second year they have come back. Miss Dusty, our neighbor makes sure they have fresh carrots to eat and of course they love to nibble on the clover and dandelions in the yards. Aren't they the sweetest? Hope everyone is having a great Spring, minus the allergies of course.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Mcklinky Monday- Where were you on April 19, 1995?

Today at The RHOK, the question is Where were you on April 19, 1995?

What an emotional question if you are an Oklahoman and if you have an memory at all of that tragic event. The first act of terrorism on American soil killing 168 of our own and then to find out that an American cititzen, an American soldier who had defended our country, actually had commited this act. The acts that followed the bombing give me a great sense of pride and make me so proud to call Oklahoma home! Oklahomans from all over the state joined in on the rescue efforts, those who couldn't gave blood, sent supplies, and prayed!

So, where was I? In Weatherford, OK. I was in my first semester of my senior year at SWOSU. I had just finished up my eight o'clock class and had a conference with my Grammar professor, yes I had Grammar at one time in my life. The conference was over my senior thesis, Communication in Management. The meeting did not take that long, I'm not sure why.  I was back in my dorm room by 9:30, those of us students lucky to have any reception or cable on our TV's were glued to our sets, the one's that didn't have TV's were glued to our sets. We were in awe. I don't know the stats, but probably a lot of students missed classes the remainder of the day as news filtered in. We were 70 miles west of the site. For those of us who didn't know someone in the Murrah building, we knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone.

It was a real awakening moment for a college senior, knowing that my life was getting ready to start and that such evil was out there. I still was very protected and naive. I remember driving back home to Wilson from Weatherford on the weekends through El Reno on I-40, knowing that was where Timothy McVeigh was, and seeing the sign "Warning Hitchhikers may be escaped Inmates".

I finally visited the Oklahoma City Memorial  five years ago. It is beautiful, it is peaceful- but it is a complete shame that we had to build such a place. I will never forget that tragic day 15 years ago today.

Now its your turn to tell where you were, link up over at The RHOK, we Housewives want to know!!!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh Be Careful Little Minds What We Learn

For the past three weeks we have encountered lots and lots of learning at our house. Braden has had many hours of homework involving measuring with rulers and Jason has also had to measure a few things around the house for a few honey-do's. It is absolutely amazing what a three year old mind can pick up through all of these measuring events!

I so want to thank Jason for leaving that tape measure out. I also want to thank him and  Braden for teaching Kaybrie how to measure. You see, yesterday while I was putting clothes in the dryer she came up behind me and said,  "Mommy, I need to see how tall your bottom is." Then she proceeded to measure the width. And if you look really close at the tape measure above its only 15" wide! LOL!
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter w/ The 4-Crow's

This year like most, we went to Wilson and spent Easter with my family. I am so thankful that I have a huge family and that because of our Easter traditions since I was a little girl, I learned the true meaning of Easter. Going to church and learning about the Resurrection of Christ, and knowing that Jesus died for me so that I might have eternal life, what an awesome story of truth and revelation! Family tradition means so much to me! This particular Easter Sunday, we had the privilege of a attending Marsden Baptist Church where my brother pastors, and then went back to my parents house to a wonderful prepared meal, by my Moma.  I got to visit with three aunts, two uncles, two cousins, a cousin in law, three second cousins, a close friend, seven nieces and nephews, my brother, sister, future BIL and SIL, and of course my parents. That makes 29 total including my family, what a blessing!

After lunch, my Moma and Aunt Gracie hid the Easter Eggs for the kids, below is a picture how many can you find?

Believe me, you didn't have to look that hard, LOL!

My Sister's Family- Jeff, Stephanie, Jadyn, Grady & Rowdy
 (Cody was at his Mom's)
Rowdy Zane proud of his find!

 Grady Allen's First Easter!
Braden in Nana's flower bed searching for eggs!

 Kaybrie giving some attitude while filling her Easter basket!
The 4-Crow's annual Easter portrait!

Isn't my Moma's yard just beautiful?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top Secret Announced! It's The RHOK

Hi! So, if you have been reading my Facebook, my tweets or just been tolerating me lately, you know that I have been working on a top secret project! I have teamed up with six other gorgeous housewives from NE Oklahoma and created a new blog called  The Real Housewives of Oklahoma. Well, today is the big rollout day. I insist that if you are a reader of mine that you mosey on over and become a follower of TheRHOK and make sure you join us on Facebook and Twitter while you are there! It is finally an opportunity for me to get my own writing out for the public to read and yes, it will be a different style than my mommy blog!!
 P.S. I write under the name of  ♥ Mrs. Hart ♥.

Today on The Real Housewives is MckLinky Monday! Sure hope you visit TheRHOK and play along!

"What is a Housewife"

Yes, I am a Housewife, a SAHM, a Domestic Engineer, oh so many titles...thank the Lord He blessed me with these broad shoulders. When filling out most applications though the only option is Housewife. I kind of like  love it! It means that I have a hard working man that cares for his family enough to provide and make ends meet so that his wife can stay home and take care of his children and home.  Sure, it is tough sometimes and I will often speak write of those times, but only as a way to help myself and other women through it. 

When it comes to household duties, I am not the best housekeeper, I hate, hate, hate taking out the trash. But I love doing laundry. When homework rolls around it helps to be 100% rested and focused or the boy and I clash terribly, we are a lot alike. Cooking, I love to cook and I love to eat more!

Being a Housewife is the toughest job I have ever had. But to to me is considered to be a huge blessing. A blessing that I hope continues for a long while.