Today is Braden's official 100th day of Second Grade. I decided to wait until today to also publish my 100th post. I had huge expectations for this post. I've even laid awake at night thinking about what & how I would do it. Yes, I'm blog obsessed. So my original idea is only 2/3 complete. I have searched every picture file, every SD card, every email, and everyone else's email looking for a specific picture.! Aaargh, can't find it! So here is the 2/3! As I mentioned above, Braden celebrates the 100th day of school, the past two years he has had to decorate something at home and take it back to school.
This was Braden's kindergarten hat. We decorated it with 100 stars, Oklahoma (2007 was our great state's Centennial Birthday), and $100 in play money.
In 2008, this is the picture MIA. I had saved all of his spelling tests. We cut out 100 words from those test. Then we made a poster. It said "I Can Spell 100 Words"!
For 2009, my second grader is not doing an art project at school. I googled and found this Comparison Activity. I helped him think logically on this, because I am pretty sure my second grader believes he is Super Man!
I could carry 100 pieces of paper, but I couldn't carry 100 bricks! I could eat 100 M &M's, but I couldn't eat 100 pizza's! I could put 100 pencils in my desk, but I couldn't put 100 books in my desk!I wish I had 100 puzzles, but I am glad that I do not have 100 dogs!
I love, love, love blogging. Why? It gives me an opportunity to write down my thoughts, share the happenings of my family with others, and most of all gives me a chance to meet new friends. I don't think I have ever met anyone, that I can't talk to. I happened upon a site in December, yep I was blog surfing or stalking, whatever they call it. I left a comment and started following this blog:
In honor of my 100th post, The4-Crow's has team up with SimaGJewelry and will be giving away this custom made, handcrafted, cute, cute, cute necklace! Thank you SimaG!

My Heart is FOR YOU my dear - - Your name or your loved one name on a sterling silver heart
How do you, one of my readers win?
I only want 1 Comment containing the following info, read carefully!
1. Visit SimaG's blog, take a look at her Jewelry, tell me your favorite, don't forget to tell SimaG!
2. Tell me why you like to blog.
3. Follow Me, The 4-Crow's wants more readers, and I want to follow more blogs!
4. Refer a Friend to look at my post, tell me that friends name (hopefully they will comment as well), I have an open blog!
5. Go to one of the blogs I follow on the right side of my blog, leave a comment on that blog, and tell me who you visited.
On Monday, February 9th I will draw one comment, I sure hope it is yours! Please leave me your email address in your comment, so that I can contact the winner and make arrangements for your name or your loved one's name and the delivery of this beautiful hand-stamped necklace!
Thank you my readers and fellow bloggers for making The 4-Crow's blog so much fun!
Those are great 100 day projects! I love the last one best!!!
Thanks for doing this cool giveaway YOU ROCK!!!
1."Forever in my heart" is my favorite piece on SimaG blog. But it was hard to choose.Her family is cute & I'm now one of her followers.
2.Why do I blog..YOU got me started when I saw your cute lil page. I just had to have one for myself & my family & friends love it! Thanks!
3.I'm already one of your followers cause you are ONE HIP MAMMA!
4.I will be posting your blog & telling them about your giveaway on my moms forum.Christy is one I think will respond!
5.I replied on Carries blog about her Big Man staying dry all day!
My boys had their 100 Day a couple of weeks ago!
I like the Love Love Love Love necklace!
I blog to have an escape from my everyday life as a SAHM, and as an outlet to meet other "Moms"!
I am already a follower!
I will put a post on both of my blogs about this giveaway, hopefully Lori will come and enter!
I commented on Glenna's blog, on her weight loss.
Thanks ShaRhonda!
I love forever in my heart too!!!
And I was told by your sis in law to come over here and plus your an okie too!!!
I just became one of your follower's!! Got to love the okie's!!
I blog as a release of built up tension and also about me having cancer and all the fun storeis I love to write about, plus I have met some amazing women like you sis in law!
My favorite is the love necklace . I left sima a comment and i am follwing. :)
I just started this blogging thing. My sister-in-law introduced me to the blogging world. I love to blog to meet new people and check out the work people have done:)And it is fun and addicting :)
I visited Liz and left her a comment . I follow her and she is the one that filled me in about your great giveaway :) Thanks :)
I really like the Beautiful and Simple Necklace
1. The "Love" pendant with the pearl is beautiful.
2. I've never blogged before. Not sure I have enough to say.
3. Love your blog. I will be checking back frequently.
4. I sent a message to my best friend, Amy.
5. I visited the Treadway Treehouse.
I love the forever in my heart cute!
I blog to share my story as a mom and to read other's stories too. I think I am interesting enough to tell my story...right? LOL
I'm a follower!
Hopefully my friend Jamie will check your blog out!
I have already commented and kept up blogging with Liz thanks to you and your blog! YEY!
Thanks and what an awesome idea!
I love your 100 projects...that is great!
Wow you are obsessed!!
1. the forver heart necklace!
2. Because you make me!!
3.I follow yours because I pressed the followers button on the screen!!
4. I will post on My friend Jennis blog and hope she responds!!
5. I repled on Jenns blog!!
Love You, Sister keeping up the crazy obsession!!!
You are sooo crazy.....
Love ya!!!!
1. The my Family necklace is so beautiful and it is something that I can pass to Jamie. I let SimaG's know.
2.I love to Blog so that Family and friends can see whats going on in out families life.
3.I already follow you....silly girl.
4.I am referring Mom to check out your blog so that she can get started.
5.I visited Carrie's blog and am sooo glad to see that she has updated!!!!!!
Congrats on 100 posts! That's great!
That's a beautiful necklace!! Hopefully I get some time to do all those things you want us to do to enter! LOL!
I love blogging. It fits my addictive/social type personality.
Great contest ShaRhonda! I'm sorry it's taken me a little while to get entered. My favorite piece by SimaG was the family necklace. I thought it was quite beautiful. The reason I blog is to keep some sort of record on the going ons of my family since I don't journal. I hope to one day get it printed so I'll have a hard copy as well. I also like to keep my family in BA informed of what we're up to since they're not too close. I'm already one of your followers and enjoy it! I posted your contest on my blog so hopefully more then one person will respond. I posted on Carrie's blog and also on SimaG's blog. I hope that covers it! Oh yeah, my email address is
1. I love the 'My Family' circle pendant necklace, so pretty! (I left her a comment too, to let her know!)
2. Well, I don't personally blog...I am thinking of starting one though! But, I do love to READ blogs because they are just so much fun to read, you get a "peak" into the lives of others and get to "experience" things with them! :D
3. I am now following your blog! :D
4. I just emailed my sister Chloe about this giveaway! :)
5. I visited the Treadway Treehouse blog and left a comment.
contact me at:
Hello! I remember doing 100th Day projects with my two sons! It was always fun and a learning experience.
Congratulations on your 100th Post Celebration. I wish you many more happy and healthy posts. The "Forever in My H E A R T-in Sterling
Silver Necklace is a favorite of mine from SimaG. Great jewelry creations. Please add my name to your fabulous drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I don't have a blog site, but I am blogging every day. I find so many interesting people, learn so much and find wonderful handmade items.
Yours is a fun site to visit!
Thanks, Cindi
Hi, I visited Lizzydearslifereviews. from your list. She has an interesting site,also! Thanks for sharing. Cindi
(1) I really love Sima's "My Kids" necklace - so simple & elegant! (I've commented on her blog as well)
(2) I don't have a blog of my own! So sad, I know...I'm trying to come up w/ a great idea for a blog, something more themed than generic! So, I'll just have to wait and see what I come up with. lol
(3) I'm following you... :)
(4) I was referred here by my sister Celeste and I'm off to shoot my mom an email about this wonderful giveaway!!!
(5) I visited the Tillman Family blog and commented on her latest post! :D
If I am to win (and I hope to!!), here's my email:
Great post.
1. I visited SimaG, I like the Family Necklace, hint, hint!
2. To show God's love through kids, nature & other bloggers.
3. I follow you.
4. I'll tell Danna
5. I visited Liz's
* I love, love, love the circle, Family Necklace - very nice...I've left a comment on Sima's blog to let her know.
* I don't have a blog...but you've really got me thinking...maybe I should just bight the bullet and do it! I must say that I DO love to read blogs! :D
* Okay, I'm now an official follower of your blog!
* Well, I was referred here by one of my daughters (Chloe) and now I'm going to email some of my friends about this too!
* I visited/commented on the O'Haramom blog...super cute pictures!
I would love to win this necklace and have my 2 daughters' names put on it! It is so delicate and feminine! :D
Email me ---
Christina - - I love the Family Ring necklace at SimaG's! I'm not an official blogger but I can understand wanting to write about one's personal daily life and sharing it with others (because I AM a poet and writer and so understand the urge to write!).
1. My favorite is the LOve necklace
2. I love to blog because it's an outlet for me to show my the world my creations and my finds along with way.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
What a neat giveaway!
1. This particular heart necklace has been a favorite of mine FOREVER! I really want one with the words, "My cup overflows" as a reminder of my wonderful blessings on it, but, alas, will have to wait to buy one, unless I win!
2. I blog to show friends and family how much my sweet boy is growing, keep them updated on our pregnancy, and use it as an outlet for my photography!
3. I'm a follower! I love finding new blogs.
4. I told my friend Molly about your great blog and fun giveaway, hope she comes and visits!
5. Last but not least, I commented OHaraMom about her girls' gorgeous photos!
1) M Y THREE little W I S H E S Necklace is my favorite as i think the necklace is a real beauty.
2)I like to blog as it connects me with many other people, even around the world too!
3) Im a follower!
4)I've referred my friend crystal
5)i wrote a comment on 3 gals and a guy. Such a funny video!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
mel_88_88 at hotmail dot com
I like the inspiration you found when you saw the snail so I'd choose your Circle of love necklace as my favorite. Please enter me.
Hi ShaRhonda,
Here we go!
1) I visited SimaG's Blog and left a comment on my favorite item in her shop. Here is the link:
It was a lovely Peace Handstamped Sterling Silver Circle Neclace!
2) I like to blog and read blogs. I like meeting new people and reading about their life.
3) I am following you. My name (angie) baileybobby6(at)
4)I told my friend Pauline about your blog. She said she'd stop over.
5) I visited your blog friend "Oharamom.blogspot" I read about "Gregory Photograpy" and made a positive comment.
Cool rules! Enjoyed my journey!
Thanks ShaRhonda!
Have a great day!
i love her "this is how a necklace is born" spiral pendant - how creative and beautiful!
i actually don't blog - but I'd love to if I had the time. Its a fun way to tell people about yourself, talk about great finds, talk about techniques... And few people do them for origami, which is my specialty. Good luck with your blogging!
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