Friday, December 8, 2017

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog- Week 2

The second week of elf activities proved that we are beginning to get into Christmas busy at our nest..

The elves made slime.

They brought kisses. 

Who knew the elves had their own popcorn line.

Malia decided she needed to hang with in the pre-teen zone!


Elves rule and Tusk drools...the elves do not know what to think about our new puppy. 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the image above, link up, and play along once a week until December 29th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the image and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf17 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog- The Arrival and Week 1

This year the elves were sneaky. The doorbell rang on Thanksgiving night and they were no where to be found. They left a garden flag and ding dong ditched. The search was on. Miss K finally found them upstairs in the entertainment room- YES, we have a new house with an upstairs hence the lack of blogging this year. They hung a "WE'RE BACK" banner, lit the fireplace on the TV and surprised her!
 Day 1 brought them wanting to Black Friday shopping...of course.

Day 2 the elves wanted to make sure the laundry was done. Supervising from that angle might have not been a good idea.

Day 3 Let's Take an Elfie. Too fun. Not sure where Miss K's Elfie went. She takes a LOT!

Day 4 Melting Snowmen. Oklahoma weather is still not Snowman ready.

Day 5. This is new. Woo Hoo. Stairs. Tusk tried to help also. 

Day 6. Jokes. 

Day 7. What is up with all these weird tree landings. 

Day 8. The tree rescue. Evan the little boy we take to school said that fire truck was loud!!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the elf image above, link up, and play along once a week until December 29th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the image and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf17 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2017- The Introduction

Only one more week and Malia Peppermint Pattie, Charley our scout elves and their pets Frost & Rory Whisker the St. Bernard return from the North Pole. Five Thanksgivings ago The 4-Crows were summoned by the doorbell and found a visitor from the North Pole. The visitor was nameless at the time, but soon became know as Malia Peppermint Pattie. 2011 was actually our first year to participate in The Elf on the Shelf Tradition. We didn't exactly have a "real" Elf on the Shelf, so I called our daily link up Elf on a Shelf. We had Charley, a 40+ year old Whitman's Chocolate Candy Elf given to us by Miss K's dance instructor Miss Pam. In 2014, a reindeer pet named Frost joined our nest in all the Elf fun. In 2016 Rory Whiskers joined us- got to love Gilmore Girls.

In 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 and 2016 we hosted a weekly link up, showcasing a full 7 days of elf fun. Our Charley has had to semi retire. He is still a part of our household, but because he is "vintage", I decided he no longer needed to be serving in any reindeer games. He is actually pictured in the above button, see his rips? You can read more about Charley here, also feel free to visit the last five years of linkups and see what kinds of fun our scouts have around our nest.

We absolutely LOVE this tradition, so much that we have even been known to blog for Elf on the Shelf. See our posts here and here.

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the image above, link up, and play along once a week until December 29th-a little longer for those of you traveling and might have a lingering visitor? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the image and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf17 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

I once again made myself an Elf on a Shelf Calendar. I have once again made time to get organized. I'll be honest, I did a pretty good job last year of sticking to it. Feel free to use my ideas or print out the blank form for your own use.

download here

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amazon Prints is REALLY worth the try! $1000 of Amazon Gift Cards to be Won! #AmazonPrints #Ad

Happy June my blog readers....yes, I know its been a while. Life has been happening and just because I am not always sharing here, you KNOW where I am sharing. In December, I told you about a great new option when it comes to online photo storage in this post with the Amazon Prime Photos. And NOW Amazon Prints offers a variety of services for storing and printing your photos! If you are an Amazon Prime member, one of your Prime benefits is free unlimited photo storage with Prime Photos. If you’re not a Prime customer, you can still get 5GB of free storage. When it comes to printing pictures, photo prints start at just $.09 each.Prime members can upload images to their Prime Photos account, print the product of their choice, and receive free delivery. If you’re not a Prime member, you’ll receive 5 GB of storage free on Prime Photos and be able to print your favorite photos. Prints start as low as $0.09. Just visit Amazon Prints to get started. 

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am pretty stoked about this new option. Especially the photo books. But since I needed to get some graduation thank you's made for niece now...

 photo BlogSignature_zpsaaa2dccc.png

Thanks to Amazon for sponsoring this post and providing prizes for the giveaway!
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