Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Take Me Back 2 Prom

I thought these pics would be an excellent post for today. So many High School Junior & Seniors are doing preparations for their Proms & Formals. Hopefully, this will make you all take out your yearbooks and bring back some fun memories!
Check Moma Crow out, I'm a HOTTIE!
(too bad I didn't know it back then)

Junior Prom 1991

Senior Prom 1992

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Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I so have to hunt down my dance pictures! Those are so great!!

Thanks so much for playing along!

Flea said...

You're so YOUNG. My first thought, when I saw the title, was, "Why on earth would I want to go back to PROM?" Well I can see why you'd want to. :) You were a hottie! I don't see that you've actually changed much, though.

Jennifer said...

You are adorable and your dresses were beautiful!

Liz said...

So cute! I almost posted some of my prom pics, but I would have to delete a certain someone out of them. :-) And my senior prom, I didn't attend, I was 5 months pregnant. lol Oh well, but yours are really cute!!

Megan said...

Holy Cow, I would've killed for that great body in high school! Lucky girl!!!

SimaG Jewelry said...

You are soooooooooo beautifullllllllllllll!

Then and nowwwwwwww!
