Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday- To College Days

I admit it, I am addicted to Facebook. I even have a username its crowmoma2. One of the main reasons I love, love, love FB is to keep up with former classmates. I had 4 college roommates, 3 of them are now on Facebook. One one of my college roommates has a blog and so does another college friend. The following pictures are from my Freshman and Sophomore years at my Alma Mater, Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1992-1994! Enjoy and make sure you visit the links to the blogs!

Amy & Me

Joely, Me & Lori- Joely actually lives locally and Lori and I talk every now and then!

Homecoming in the Dorm's we really decorated, here is Brandy our Mascot!

Misty, Me, Trisha & Kim- Misty & Kim were Roomates, Kim needs to get on FB

This was taken Freshman year, I am back center. My last roommate Melinda is in the green in front of me. Delana, my first roommate, who I recently came back in contact with again is kneeling!

Oh, the College Days and to think of the kids getting ready to go and make the memories that I have now!

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Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I wish I had had that kind of college experience - I lived within walking distance of my university and so there was no reason to do a dorm or anything. Looks like a lot of fun though!!

Amy said...

I was laughing out loud sitting here at the laptop last night looking at those old photos. We had NO idea how much freedom we had back then--no mortgages, no children, not too many bills. But how much more life is in our lives now that we have expanded beyond those dorm walls and ventured out into the great big "real" world! Thanks for the fun memories!

Delana said...

Great pics!! Good times, huh?!

Unknown said...

I wish i had stayed in college! really enjoyed walking down memory lane with you!
off to click the linky loos

Megan said...

How do you still have those pictures? That's so awesome that you have them.
I love Facebook for the same reason! What did you decide about the 3 column template??? : ) YOU can do it!