Okay, Okay, so legally I guess Braden is the only one around here who gets a Spring Break, but since we were all itching for some fun Springtime activities can't a Mom and little sister join in on the activities as well? It's really not fair for a nine year old boy to perform the day to day rituals that a SAHM does, right? He needed to have some fun during Spring Break right, and of course he had to have chaperones! See I reasoned it out enough, right? So here goes Spring Break 2010 for us, err, I mean Braden!
So Friday night after the Dodgeball Tournament, Braden made the decision to stay the night with Grandma, knowing that there was a party at Chuck-E-Cheese the next day for Faith, Kaybrie's Bestie. While at the party, holding Kaybrie who I might add was deathly afraid of the big fake cheese eater, I get a call from Braden and Grandma and Braden wants to come to the party, claiming he didn't know- oh no we did not play that game! Speaking of game playing though, Miss Kaybrie did finally play some games and did pretty well!
Was kind of an all around day! We went over to our friends the Harringtons. In the blog world the are known as
All About the 6-Frogs. Anyway Kortney and I met with some wonderful women about our Women of Faith confererence coming up in August and made Flip Flops for our boys tackle football team fundraiser. Braden, Spencer and the boys played outside. And of course Kaybrie, Olivia and the girls played dolls and also played outside. We did have a scary moment though. One little boy, I believe he was five, fell into the pool, Praise God he got to the side where Lady Olivia, Kortney's daughter helped pull him out. Bless his heart he had never been in water over his head before. He was so thankful to Lady O, he kept saying that she saved him!
Here are the Breast Cancer Flip Flops. We are selling them for $12. A $2 Donation will be made to Susan G. Komen. Contact me if you want a pair. We make all team colors and sports with names!
We went to lunch at Los Cabos with Stacye, Faith and Baby Jack. Then we went to Niehius Park, where it proved to be much colder than we thought. Brrr.......come back Spring!!! Then we went on to buy groceries at Wal-Mart-can't just have fun ALL the time! But the kids did get a Pez, where was my camera?
Wednesday- Happy St. Patrick's Day
Braden went to visit his grandparents and Kaybrie and I went to Target, seems like there was something we had to have- oh, shoes! And Starbucks! Yep, Stacye introduced me to my new drink-Mocha Frappucino w/ a extra shot of expresso light and I got our diva in the making a Caramel Apple Cider! Isn't she just the cutest w/ her Starbucks cup?
Then we went home and made a chocolate cake. Jason's Great Aunt Elenora Crow is moving to Houston with her daughter Vicki. My MIL pulled off the best surprise birthday/going away party ever with 26 people which included friends and family. Aunt Nora never knew what hit her!
This is Aunt Elenora and my MIL, Betty: these two ladies are really gonna miss each other!
Zoo Day!!! Yay! Finally a day with my BFF Angie and her family! And boy was it crowded, of course the temps were in the mid 70's very nice for a picnic at the Zoo and that is just what we did!
Braden monkeying around!
All of the kids monkeying around, except for Hayden!
The kids actually went to the park bench and waited on the parents- PRICELESS!
The petting zoo is probably where we should have went to and stayed! That's where the animals were and where the kids had the most fun, besides the park!
Look at Little Sister petting the goat. She really enjoyed it!
We got up a early and got on our Easter best, WHAT? I finally scheduled Kaybrie's 3yr old professional portraits with my friend
Serena. I am sooo happy with them. I will probably just do a slide show of all of them on the blog later, but here is probably one of my favorites of the kids together! Please if you are interested visit her website, look for her on facebook, book an appointment! She is wonderful!!!
I think know they love each other!!!
Now for Friday afternoon. I planned something for JUST the B'ster! A movie. Oh, yeah. The book series Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney has been turned into a movie. We invited his friend Sydney to go with us, and ended up meeting Kortney, Spencer, Dakota, and Olivia at the movie. The first movie was sold out, so we ended up shopping until the movie started. Can I just say I LOVED the movie. Kortney's friend Cathy also met us and out of all the adults in the movie our kids thought we were the coolest because
We laughed so hard, who knows, maybe we were wimpy kids in school, or maybe we were the cool kids picking on the wimpy kids- all I can hope for is that our kids are neither and learned valuable lessons from that movie!
Syndey, Braden & Spencer- shopping! I love the irony of the return sign behind them.
Saturday & Sunday
Can I just say, we have all heard the saying by Will Rogers "If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute and it'll change."
Well it did! We got 8 inches of snow over the weekend! Gotta love the 70 degree temps on Thursday and Friday to the freezing temps that like to bring winter like precipation on the first day of Spring. Hopefully this is the last blast, but it did snow last year on March 28th!

Look at the drifts on the roof!