Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's a Floppy Spring Around the Crow's Nest!

I finally got my Spring pedicure yesterday! I think Jason was very happy. Best $23 I've spent on myself all year long, if I do say so myself, what do you think? Definitely blog/brag worthy! And of course I am getting to wear my Flip Flops finally after that ankle injury last summer! Yay!!!

Check out the new design of FlipFlops I made the other night as a fundraiser for Braden's Football team BA Black- I call this Girlalicious and of course Kaybrie Jayne gets the trial pair. This pair is $10, call me or Facebook me to order. I can do almost anything.

This post is titled Floppy for a reason...not only do we have flip flops this spring, but we also have three wild floppy bunny rabbits running around between our house and the neighbors and they aren't scared! This is the second year they have come back. Miss Dusty, our neighbor makes sure they have fresh carrots to eat and of course they love to nibble on the clover and dandelions in the yards. Aren't they the sweetest? Hope everyone is having a great Spring, minus the allergies of course.

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1 comment:

Delana said...

The pedi looks great, and the flip flops are too cute, including the bunny!