Monday, June 13, 2011

Braden Goes to Basketball Camp

The Tulsa 66rs are hosting a "FREE" basketball camp at Academy Sports and Outdoor on June 11th and 18th and my boy is participating! I'm such a great Moma for making him get out into the heat and learn him some ball playing skills! Yep, he's gonna make his Moma some $ one of these days in one of these sports!

The Group Shot- Braden is behind the red headed girl in the green shirt!

There is my boy- back left!

Awww, look he is paying attention to the Coach! That's him on the left with his back to us!

The good news, he won the HUSTLE award this past Saturday and he won a pennant. He has one more day of camp left. Yeppers, their giving away basketballs at the next one!

(Thanks Tulsa 66ers for sending me the pictures, since I was otherwise detained at a baby shower in the air conditioning and also a special thanks to my BFF's DH for taking and spending quality time with our first born children so that they might one day really make us millions, we might share!)

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