Country music trio Rascal Flatts, with AEG Live and NCM Fathom, held a one-night only special theater event in New York City last Thursday evening, April 5 , titled "Changed." The event coincided with the release of the band's eighth studio album of the same name, which was released on the 3rd . The film was broadcast to over 600 theaters nationally. I had the opportunity through
One2One Network to go to this theater review and take another fan- my husband!
We are huge Rascal Flatts fans. And after seeing these three men explain the change that has taken place within each of them and as a group, our fan status remains unchanged. I never imagined the level of emotion that Jay Demarcus, Gary Levox, and Oklahoma's own Joe Don Rooney would express to the theater audiences. Their love for music, each other and especially family is why "Changed" will probably be their 7th number one album.

'Changed' is the record label to Big Machine, also changed is what I describe as a invigoration of sound, more spice. These guys can sing! In the 45 minutes of music they played a mixture of classic Rascal Flatts to of course the new album. I can honestly say, we love the new album. There were times I wanted to get up and rock out like I was at their concert a few years back. The new titles, "Hot In Here","She's Leaving", "Come Wake Me Up", "Changed" and "Banjo" were played. Let me just tell you now, "Hot In Here" is SEXY and "She's Leaving" makes you totally want to ROCK OUT, while "Changed" gets you into a serious inspirational mood!
I tweeted some during the presentation, yeah- I can sing and tweet at the same time. It was fun reading other tweets about the event. I wasn't able to take many pictures.There wasn't anything to take pictures of, there was absolutely no promotional materials in the theater. So here are a few snapshots of our night that I will leave you with.
Me- All dolled up for a DATE!!! |
The ONLY marketing material |
Looks like I was at a concert doesn't it?
Did you know that you can win a
FLY AWAY TRIP & TICKETS to see Rascal Flatts? All you have to do is enter on this link or the link on the right side of my blog!
I was provided 2 tickets at no cost, at a value of $15, to attend this event and report my opinion.