Thursday, January 3, 2013

Making Stuff

Pinterest. The site I love. And face it haters, hate. Some get it, some don't. It's a site that you make it what you want to make of it. I choose to look for new creative ideas, gift ideas, budget saving ideas, recipes and home organization strategies. I am not a Stepford wife. I think aiming for perfection while knowing you will never succeed is okay. It's a lot like Christianity. I'm never going to be perfect like Jesus, but I am suppose be Christ like. Oh yeah your thinking, Pinterest vs Jesus, that's a fantastic comparison. Well, I do have an All Things Faith Board.

No really, I'm on my "soapbox" because of a put down Pinterest post I saw on Facebook a few days ago. A post that I failed to pin, because you can't pin from Facebook and now I can't find. What it comes down to is different interests and choices for different people. Different strokes for different folks. I do not choose to build outside forts with my children, to be honest you won't find to many pictures of me in the great outdoors. Forestry Camp in high school became a game of boys those two years. I choose to craft, read, volunteer, run a mom taxi to and from sporting events while coaching in and out of the stands. I get a lot of my ideas for those things and create memories for my family through guess where? That's right, Pinterest.

This year it is my goal to make more stuff, spend more time with my kids making stuff, encourage them to make stuff, keep looking for stuff that I may or may not ever do anything with and keep putting stuff on my Faith board to help me in my goal to be more Christ like.

Side note: I guess my "obsession" with Pinterest is also rubbing off on my five year old daughter. She wants to look up crafts, puppies and American Girl merchandise on my phone all the time. So much so, that when she received her iPod for Christmas that one of the first apps she asked for was, you guessed it- Pinterest. I did not give it to her.


Beth Zimmerman said...

Maybe I will resurrect The Pinspiration Project now that I'm on a roll. Want to play?

ShaRhonda said...

Of course I do! I love the project and think it has great potential.