Wednesday, December 30, 2015

AtmosFlare™3D Drawing Pen Review #AtmosFlare #Sponsored

'Tis the two weeks of Christmas Break and boredom has officially set in- and we shave less than a week to go until school is back in session. What will I do with the 5  days remaining to keep my sanity in tact besides eat? What will these kids of mine do besides eat, play video games, watch TV, and drive me insane?

Thanks to AtmosFlare™ 3D DRAWING PEN by RedwoodVentures LTD, LLC., who is paying us to test out their latest product before it hits the shelves in January, I can add another activity to our break. Yippee!!

Take a look at the flower pot that Miss K made using the AtmosFlare™ 3D DRAWING PEN.

You may recall last month, I was paid to play with their I DO 3D product. See our review of it here. Honestly, we like the AtomoFlare 3D Pen, so much better. It's more precise and cures while being used versus drawing and then curing. And, being able to draw and sculpt in mid-air is amazing!! Take a look at the following video.

AtmosFlare 3D from Redwood Ventures LTD on Vimeo.

Since we are in testing mode, our pen came in a brown box with the following items:
Pen (1)
Ink Cartridges (2, blue and red)
Ink Tips (4)
Cap (1)

Miss K loves making craft videos-I think she is contemplating becoming a YouTube sensation, so I let her make one of the AtmosFlare™3D Drawing Pen for this post, keep in mind she and I are still not experts on 3D pen art, but we are having fun trying and learning.

AtmosFlare™ Pro Tips:
  • Start squeezing before you turn on the light. It helps to keep the nozzle free from initial buildup.
  • Ink your base/attachment point first then turn on the light. Otherwise the ink may not stick or simply pull right off. 
  • Shining the pen on a bright surface will cure what is already inside the nozzle. The reflection of the light cures the inside of the nozzle and can block it. 
  • When the nozzle is clogged, remove the nozzle then clean/clear the nozzle with a paperclip. If you leave the nozzle attached to the resin bladder when cleaning the obstruction will just get squeezed back in to the nozzle.
  •  Try to store the pen upright while in frequent use so the ink stays a the tip. Otherwise you will have to shake the pen or squeeze through the air pockets which might distort your line. 
  • Your battery will last about 4 hours. When it’s time to change your battery, the lighted “M” emblem will alert you by flashing three times.
  • You might see moisture vapor near the tip of your pen as you draw. This is a harmless, odorless result of the 3D ink curing as excess moisture evaporates.

  1. Avoid looking directly at the spotlight, and don't point the spotlight at your eyes or the eyes of anyone else.
  2. Place cap on drawing tip after use. AtmosFlare™ works best if used and stored at room temperature, (between 60 and 80 degrees fahrenheit, 15 to 27 degrees celsius.)
  3. For the best results, draw directly on the supplied plastic sheet and accessory shapes. This keeps your drawing surface clean and neat. (We were not supplied these sheets, but instead improvised with parchment paper and our supplies from the IDO3D review)
  4. Wash hands well with soap and water after use.
  5. Do not place ink in mouth or ingest. In case any ink enters your eyes, wash with plenty amount of water. If you experience any unexpected allergic reaction, consult a doctor.
  6. Product performs best if used within 12 months after manufacturing (manufacture date is printed on pen).
  7. Our system does not use heat to assist in the curing process, but heat is generated for about 5 seconds during the curing process. Do not apply ink to skin under direct light or sunlight as it may cause skin irritation or burns. If ink is applied to skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
  8. Adult supervision is required. Observe children closely and intervene as necessary to prevent potential safety problems and ensure appropriate use of 3D ink.
  9. Keep pen/ink away from pets.
  10. Results vary depending on level of skill. 
  11. For information regarding allergic concerns, please call our Customer Service 1(855) 876-8124
  • If material cured in pen tip. Remove pen tip and unclog the cured material. 
  • Replace new battery when curing time is up to 1 minutes. 
To Clean
  • Wash with soap and warm water. 
  •  Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer to help remove sticky residue from hands.
Be sure to follow AtmosFlare™ at the following links and be one of the first to own this amazing 3D drawing pen.

I will say, be sure to save ALL pieces to this pen. We made the mistake of throwing away the original tops to the ink- big mistake. If the ink inside the tip wasn't hardened, it kind of poured out a little. 

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by AtmosFlare™. All content is my honest opinion. I will be compensated monetarily for this post.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2015- Week 4 & Goodbye

The last week of Elf activity before they fly home to the North Pole for some much needed R&R. 
Day 22 our elves brought a note for the kids wishing them a great last day of school for 2015!
Day 23- Malia decided she was SICK of no presents under our Christmas tree and was giving me a hint to go shopping!
Day 24, oh dear. Our elves are really sick of no snow or cold in Oklahoma so they thought they could bring a friend with them from the North Pole. It wasn't successful. Poor snowman. 
Day 25, the kids weren't here to find the elves, so they decided it would be fun to play in the Christmas decorations. 
Day 26, Elf selfies, beats and the mini iPad. They have great examples teaching them. 
Day 27 brought some elf masterpieces. Oh how beautiful. 
Day 28. It's Christmas Eve and Miss K needs some tools to help her CLEAN her room!! 

And the goodbye letter/video, each year I have to change it up a bit. My babies are getting older.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? 

Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 26th? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf15 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

The 4-Crow's Blog
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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve Gift 2015

Merry Christmas Eve Gift from The 4-Crows!

Christmas Eve traditions around our nest include gifting our neighbors before we gift ourselves. This year's gift was pretty much made all by Miss K! To find out how to make them you can go to this post. It pretty much follows the same concept except we used red glitter, ribbon, and coke tabs for the Santa ornaments and pom poms, googly eyes & recycled foam antlers from another project last year. Too easy! Too fun! 

Out delivering the gifts....

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Oh What Fun it is/was to Drive...#ToyotaOKC #LetsGoPlaces #Giveaway #Sponsored

Oh what FUN it was to drive a 2015 Toyota Sienna for a week. I totally cried watching it leave my driveway this morning. This past week I was provided a 2015 Toyota Sienna LTD to drive and a gift card. Everything in this post is my own opinion, and I am TOTALLY responsible if you go out and buy yourself one for Christmas or if YOU WIN 1 of 3 Visa Gift Cards at the bottom of this post courtesy of Toyota!!

Leather interior. Oh the sweet sweet smell of leather and not a basketball sweat cloth interior. Yes, I speak from experience.

The room. Can you see that sliding track for the second row seating? My 6'2" son sat back there and up front without touching his sister or the dashboard. 

The room in that second row is amazing. I fit THREE car seats very comfortably back there. So for growing families, grandparents, or someone like me who just loves babies in car seats...I love this car. In the 2015 Toyota Sienna, safety comes first. With an advanced airbag system and LATCH anchors for your child seats, you can be confident that the most precious cargo is protected.

Space. Sweet space. Do you see all of those groceries? My husband thinks I spent $ just to see if I could fill up all the room in this Sienna. Of course he is wrong. I have Christmas presents, two kids home for two weeks, and even him home for a week. Maybe I should have filled this minivan to capacity. I really like the sunken storage, my bottles of pop don't roll around!

Ha! These two were very impressed with the dual HD DVD system. I was impressed because I could give them the wireless headphones and tune into Country Christmas on SiriusXM radio and even some 90's on 9- oh the memories. 

The 2015 Toyota Sienna has Blind Spot Monitor with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert. Sorry, no pictures available for this, you are just going to have to trust me on this awesome driving feature. No texting or picture taking while driving!! The navigation was so so easy to use. We attended a Nutcracker wrap-up party for my daughter on Saturday. Even though I knew where we were going.

Did I mention how much I love the hands free calling? I did. I think everyone on my favorites list received at least 3 phones calls from me. The Entune multimedia, and in-steering wheel controls make the 2015 Toyota Sienna comfortable and convenient.

Here is the full list of Toyota Sienna Limited Features from the Toyota website:

Entune™ Premium JBL® Audio with Navigation and App Suite which includes the Entune™ Multimedia Bundle (7” high-resolution touch-screen with split-screen display, ten JBL® speakers including subwoofer), Driver Easy Speak, Entune® App Suite, HD Radio™, AM/FM Cache Radio, Gracenote® Album Cover Art, HD Predictive Traffic and Doppler Weather Overlay, Dual Power Moonroof, 18” Alloy Wheels, Auto-Dimming Side Mirrors with Puddle Lights and Reverse Tilt-Down and Memory Features, Premium Leatherette-Trimmed Power 60/40 Split & Stow 3rd Row™, Heated Steering Wheel, LED Daytime Running Lights, Premium Leather-Trimmed Front Seats, Removable Premium Leather-Trimmed Second-Row Lounge Seat Captain's Chairs, Metallic Front Grille with SuperChrome Surround, and Seating for Seven.

MSRP starts at $41,650 for the new 2015 Toyota Sienna Limited.

I really, really, really hated handing over the keys to this Salsa Red Pearl beauty this morning...but I will really LOVE if one of you are blessed with a gift card from Toyota! Enter below!

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2015- Week 3

 Third week. Over. Already?!?! How does this happen. I wish the Christmas joy, celebration, lights, cheer, and giving would last 365 days a year! Maybe with a little less hustle and bustle, though. I still did not post on IG this week.
Our elves brought chocolate disguised as a soldier on Day 15. Yummy!
Day 16 brought birthday wishes to a certain 15 year old!
Day 17 brought a note. Christmas is coing are you ready my dear? It wont' be long, until Santa is here. he has checked his list, he has checked it twice. I'm happy to tell you that he thinks you are NICE!!
There's a little cuff craze going on across the nation that has been started right here in Tulsa, OK- have you heard of Rustic Cuff? seems that Malia has been admiring a few of our stacks and decided to play on day 18!
Awwww....elves after my own ♥! Day 19 they eluded Miss K and were found holding my morning can of Diet Coke!
The elves are NOT liking this warm Oklahoma air. They took matters into their own hand on day 20 and made a snow fort. 
Day 21, our elves are feeling pretty sorry for B. Not only does he have FINALS the last two days of school for the first time ever- his school decided that the students needed to learn to take exams and not be exempt- but he also has a very bad owie on the bottom of his foot from basketball. These bandages are so much fun!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? What fun did your elves get into this week?

Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 26th? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf15 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.
The 4-Crow's Blog

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's Blog 2015- Week 2

 Week 2 of our visitors from the North Pole was busy. Very Busy. I didn't even have time to post pics on Instagram or Facebook, so the bloggy world is getting the first glimpse of all the wonder and excitement found each morning at our nest.
Day 8 found Malia in the tree with a simple note that said "Today I have a simple request. Whatever you do try to do your best." Miss K had a few tests at school on day 8. 
Day 9 was Nutcracker Day. Our little Miss played a soldier in this year's production

On day 10 Miss and and B played the elves favorite game- two of the candy canes were giant Elf on the Shelf Candy Canes. Unfortunately these were consumed by the humans before a pictures could be taken. 

Day 11 brought a HUGE snowball fight. These snowballs are magical. They glow when they hit someone hard enough.
Day 12 brought a fun treat. Miss K had to plant some fruit candies and see what they grew. 

Day 13, oh wow the magical fruit candies grew fruity candy canes. 

Day 14. Oh those elves think they are quite "CUTE" putties smiley faces all over our cuties. 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? 

Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 26th? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Warning: I do usually post daily on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. My follow buttons are over on the right side of my blog. If you do want to follow and post, I will use the following hashtags #CrowElf15 #The4CrowsElfLinkup.

The 4-Crow's Blog

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