Thursday, April 7, 2016

DC Super Hero Girls #Giveaway #Sponsored #Win

Get your cape on, and take flight...

Did you know that there are DC Super Hero Girls? I didn't, and I cannot wait to show Miss K. Thanks to DC Comincs and Zeitghost Media for asking me to share this spoonsored giveaway on my my blog. One of my readers could possible win 1 of 3 $100 giftcards.

If your kids are looking for action-packed girl power, look no further than DC Super Hero Girls. DC Entertainment’s latest animated series features a dynamic group of Super Heroes on their journey of discovering the power of their unique abilities and friendships. What I love is how dynamic the characters are from strong and fearless to edgy and fun; there is a character for everyone. I also love that I am familiar with a few of these Super Hero Girls and can introduce them to my daughter- face it the new Super Hero movies that are coming out really do not show a kid friendly side these days.

Check out their YouTube Channel, which makes it easy for our kids to watch their favorite characters, on-demand, and from any device.

Their website is also full of character information, products. and has an extended online experience where kids can play games, download free printable activities, and more.

Be sure to enter on the easy Rafflecopter form below to possibly win 1 of 3 VISA $100 Gift Cards with DC Super Hero Girls!

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Zeitghost Media. The 4-Crow's Blog will be compensated monetarily for this post. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Got Smarties? Here's an idea for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Warning: if you are a teacher of one of my children or one that I volunteer for, DO NOT READ THIS POST. Seriously what are you still doing reading?

My favorite week of the school year is coming up in a little over a month. Teacher Appreciation Week- May 2-6 in case you don't  have it on the calendar yet.  This year I get to plan for not a dozen (includes specials teachers), but for about 80!!!

Planning began in January. Shopping began in February. My latest purchase was today at Dollar General. Bags of Smarties for .75! I bought 10 bags. Oh yes, I did.

Now I am not going to give all of my ideas in this post, because I know there are a few of those 80 teachers/staff members that are still reading my blog- they get an F for following instructions today.

I made this printable for my Freshman son's six teachers. I will just take string and attach 3 or 4 rolls of Smarties to it.
 Here is a blank one. You can download at this link.

Need one for a group of teachers...

I can't wait to see all the new ideas this year for TAW week. Remember to thank the Special Teachers and Bus Drivers also!!

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