Monday, January 17, 2011

MckLinky Monday: 5 Things I Can't Do Anymore...

I am thinking the title of my MckLinky can be changed to SHOULDN'T do anymore!
I shouldn't jump on a trampoline...

...if I do then I must wear one of these!

Kotex® Maxi, Regular
Yep, I know you wanted to know that but its my blog and I am an honest writer. And believe me no amount of kegels are ever going to strengthen those pelvic muscles. But, jumping is good exercise and my kids love for me to do it with them!

I shouldn't watch movies like this....
... sci-fy and I just don't go together! I dream and attack whoever is in bed with me! Jason loves it, just ask him.
I shouldn't ever drink one of these...
...I get very hyper, but occasionally I CRAVE one! Old habits die hard!
Take that old habit of a Dr. Pepper and pair it up with this shouldn't...
...and remember the saying a moment on the lips an lifetime on the hips? Well my hips don't lie, do they?

Is that only four? What is my #5?
I shouldn't, I can't, never could DANCE---someone puullleeeze help me because April 15th is coming soon and not only have I not lost the last 15lbs but I am still expected to do the Mom Dance at Kaybrie's ballet recital in heels to "All you Single Ladies" by Beyonce'!!

Now it is your turn to tell the Housewives what you can't do anymore. Link up at The RHOK!


Mom Mayhem says: said...

Oh boy -I love Dr. Pepper and Snickers -but, yeah my hips don't lie on that either -I also know what you mean about the trampoline ;)

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

I can't do the trampoline for the same reason. AND I can't do it because of my fear of heights.

Girl, I hope you get that dance thing down before your performance.

Don't worry about that last 15 lbs. You are looking great!! I'm proud of you.

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

Oh, this is Mrs. A. =)

Kortney Harrington said...

If you eat the snickers and drink the dp just put on a kotex and jump on the tramp and burn that off. lol love you

Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

Nice. I am the same way with Dr. Pepper-- I loved it when I was a teenager but gave it up over a decade ago. Now that I'm pregnant, I have allowed myself to taste the sweet nectar once again, and man it is good!

Mom of the Year award to you for even attempting to do any sort of dance in public for your daughter.