Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Run Across Mongolia


 I'm not a wealthy person or a superwoman. Right now, I do not have the means or calling to go into the foreign mission field, however I do have a blog and tremendous compassion. I CAN write to share my Savior and I can also use it to spread the word about other people's compassion. This will be my second post this year telling you of a mission trip. The first one my own brother's. You can read about that one here

Today I want to share about a family in my church that I have "known", but have really known since we began volunteering in August 2012 in the children's ministry at our church,, where I am a small group leader in Kindergarten, my husband in security, and my son a small group leader in third grade. 
Brian Hunter, will run 1500 miles across Mongolia to raise support for the orphans and abandoned children living in the dumps and orphanages in and around the capital city. His wife Lissa and two children will be there with him, riding/running along beside him. 

Watch the below video to find out the WHY behind his trek.

AME2013 Video from Corey Lack on Vimeo.

You can make a difference in the lives of these children by purchasing a Hope 1500 Necklace. All proceeds go directly to these precious little ones. 

To purchase, simply click here

They are also making these beautiful farm tables. Information on these can also be found at the above link.

Above all, please join me in prayer for this family now and in June/July as they go into Mongolia. Pray for Brian as he runs, pray for health, safety, strength, courage. Pray for obstacles they may come in contact with as they spread the good news of our Lord. Pray that that are received well and that they touch many, many lives. 

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ShaRhonda said...

Thanks Beth. You may not know Brian, but you probably would recognize his wife/her voice. She leads a lot of the worship services at BattleCreek.

ShaRhonda said...

Thanks Jen! As many shares as we can get on this, the more we spread the news of HOPE for these babies. You and Dana know more than any what these orphans go through. I love your hearts for adoption and compassion.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Amen! Will be praying for them for sure!

Jennifer W said...

I'll add them to my daily prayer list and can't wait to hear more about this! I'm also sharing this with Dana H because she's looking for a farm table!