Monday, October 26, 2015

Popular Purple Sharpener Makes it's Debut Today!! #QuietSharpeners

I first introduced to you one of my favorite products EVER a little over two years ago. Since then I personally have watched 50 teachers in my daughters school personally get one for their classrooms. What is this product you ask? Only the Quietest Pencil Sharpener Ever by Classroom Friendly Supplies. My friend, a kindergarten teacher originally told me about these fantastic, wonderful, QUIET, pencil sharpeners. I didn't believe her. A quiet sharpener is a teacher's dream, right my friends? Anything to avoid classroom interruptions.
So, like any curious blogger/homeroom mom/PTA member, I set about on some teacher research during teacher appreciation week back in 2013. I requested to do a review and was approved. The owner of Classroom Friendly Supplies,Troy Decoff, is an elementary school teacher himself.  He first started selling these sharpeners after realizing that many fellow teachers were also completely fed up with the loud and inefficient pencil sharpeners that they had in their classrooms. Oh I remember those terrible, noisy, messy manual sharpeners, the only ones that truly work when sharpened. I HATE my electric one that we use at home. We had to jab the pencil so far in and it eats half the pencil before it gets sharp. I detest even more when my son tries to do homework in an ink pen. Anyway, Troy responded to my request and told me that I was exactly the type of person they were looking for to review the sharpener. That was the beginning of my love for a pencil sharpener. 
And TODAY.....
I get to introduce to you a brand new color Popular Purple!!

Popular Purple is available for the first time on the Classroom Friendly Supplies website today. Customer's asked and they delivered. This sharpener is a beauty. And of course performs like a dream. I was pretty excited to add another one to my household. My kids wouldn't leave my other one alone. 

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Disclosure: I received this product for review  This is not a sponsored post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own. Affiliate links are embedded.

Friday, October 23, 2015

NIV Bible for Teen Girls: Growing In Faith.Hope.Love Review & Giveaway #NIVBibleforTeenGirls #FLYBY

I was once a teenage girl. Shocking, right? Ages 13-18, were TOUGH for me. Relationships between my parents, classmates, and siblings were not easy. Throw in the mix of hormones, boys, and decisions for my future and I was an all out hurricane. No one really knew this. I kept it together, kept it inside.  I didn't focus on my present, but rather than my future during those five years. It is something I regret to this day. I grew up way before I should have. Yes, God had me, but I didn't have His perfect assurance in my life to give it all to Him.

"The great people at Zondervan have designed a Bible for real teen girls with real lives. Today's teen girl needs reassurance that no issue is too big for God.  The NIV Bible for Teen Girls, designed specifically for girls ages 13 to 18, will do just that.  This Bible is packed with daily readings, highlighted promises of God, challenging insights, smart advice, and open discussions about the realities of life.  This Bible is designed to help teen girls grow in faith, hope, and love.  It is as sincere about a teen girl's walk with God as they are, helping them discover his will for all areas of their life, including relating to their family, dealing with friends, work, sports, guys, and so much more."

I will have a teen daughter in a few short years and given the track God is calling me on so far moving up and working with my daughter's age group in the children's ministry, I see that I am being prepared for teen ministry very very soon . I was excited to review the NIV Bible for Teen Girls and to get a look at what is ahead and how such a Bible will help these girls that I am so vested in grow in faith, hope, and love.

Take a look at how Roman 6:23 NIV is highlighted. The key verses that any teen girl needs to read/share are highlighted. On the opposite page you can see the daily reading. I love how the daily reading just lays it out and talks to you like a friend. Why not? Isn't Jesus our friend? This is how our relationship with Christ should be and getting into the word as a teen. WOW!

One of readers is going to get their very own copy of this Bible. My only requirement is to tell me who the teen will be that you will gift the Bible to. Extra entries are available, but not required.

Be sure to visit the following links to learn more:

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Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

Monday, October 19, 2015

Check out the Amazing Spin Master Quick Cups Video and #WIN! #Sponsored #Giveaway

Do you kids like to play with cups? Red plastic, styrofoam, you name it there is is a song being sung, a craft being made, or a stack going up here at my nest.

Check out the amazing new Quick Cups video from Spin Master and enter that giveaway for a chance to win 1 of 3 grand games packages including Fibber, Moustache Smash, Boom Boom Balloon, Shark Mania, Rapidoodle, and Quick Cups! Also - 10 Fantastic Runner Up Prizes of the Quick Cups Board Game!" Quick Cups is a great game where kids can outperform their parents if they have a quicker eye and hands! It’s a game for everyone to play and ANYONE can be the winner!

How fun does that look! Good luck and be sure to check out the Spin Master Game site for more great game ideas.

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Zeitghost Media. The 4-Crow's Blog will be compensated monetarily for this post. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment.