Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Chocolate Birthday Highs!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Cookie Fun w/ Kaybrie & Her Bestie!
Here is Kaybrie putting her Sprinkles on...
...and Faith
...and here is the finished product! We had lots of fun, the girls were really afraid they were making a big mess with the sprinkles and I had to reassure them that it was no big deal, it was such a cute and fun project for the two year old girls!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WooHoo! BA's Danny Cahill Wins Season 8's Biggest Loser

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 15

Monday, November 23, 2009
My Son the All-Star!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Leaves are Fun!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Our Annual Arkansas Game November 7, 2009! We Beat South Carolina! Great Game, Great Seats! Loved it! Way to go Razorbacks!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tricks or Treats with the Crow's
Our first house to Trick or Treat at- of course Miss Dusty's
Anticipation for all that candy, can barely even get Moma a good shot of their costumes!
The Trick or Treat Gang!
We went to Grandma's house for our annual chili dinner. While the men watched the OSU/Texas game, we went Trick or Treating on her street, it is nice because we do not get too much candy! The boys have a blast because they know exactly where they are going and the girls just stand around admiring each other in their costumes. Kaybrie was really into Trick or Treating this year. One really cute thing that she did was put her sippy cup in her bag and when Mr. Collins one of the elderly neighbors gave her candy, she also gave him a piece of candy out of her pumpkin!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Where Have I Been and What Has Been Going On at The Crow's Nest?
My Moma surprised the kids with a visit last Wednesday and stayed through Sunday, so needless to say, I have been away from the computer. We had a great visit! She did bring Jason's birthday gift- we are now sporting a new yard ornament- and a quite pretty one if I say so myself! What do you think? And Soooie on you if you don't like it! She found this in Mississippi, so this Hog has a lot of miles on him!
On another note, Braden had all A's on his first report card. We are so proud of him! And now I have to share a funny story that happened last night, he of course will disown me, but I have to document this one, LOL! Last night, Braden was sitting in self confessional crying his eyes out- it seems he had been keeping a BIG secret all weekend long. He had received a "like" note from a girl at school on Thursday and checked YES, he is terrified that we are going to turn him into the school authorities ( I told him it was in the handbook, NO GIRLFRIENDS). I guess I am blessed that it has waited until 3rd grade! BTW, her name is Bailey, and mom is a teacher. This all started because we were getting ready to watch Transformers 2 and Bailey reminds him of Megan Fox- oh for crying out loud, sorry but I don't think a 3rd grade girl, or any girl could hold a candle to Megan, but I did not dare tell my DS that!
Miss Kaybrie, well she is into the WHY's! She is into the I need to find this, and if I can't you find it for me. And, she is into the "I am the boss" stage. Yep, the 3's are quickly approaching, only 2 more months and we will have a darling three year old in the house. Oh is she a Drama Queen! One of her favorite things right now is to go to her Grandma's and play with Grandma's black porcelain baby doll! So sweet!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fall Break at the Pumpkin Patch
We finally got the opportunity to make our annual visit today, aka pumpkin picture taking at the pumpkin patch and it was soooo cold! And of course, I didn't realize just how cold it was and did not dress myself or the kids warm enough, it was hat and glove weather! 48 degrees, at least it wasn't raining! I didn't get as many shots as usual, and Kaybrie still is not as photogenic as Braden is on the pumpkins, maybe orange will be his color- but I'm pretty sure he is going to bleed Hog Red Forever, LOL!
Look, I even got into the pumpkin shot this year! Thanks, Stacye!
Here is Braden and his classic surrounded by pumpkin shot!
John Deere Green Tractors were an attraction this year, Braden was a little too big...oh well!
Kaybrie really tried to peddle, she prefers a diesel engine though!
Oh dear, her hair was blowing in the wind!
Isn't Braden just the cutest?
Moma's little Pumpkins!