Friday, February 27, 2009
I'm a TopMomma, Will you help keep me there?
A few months ago, Dawn over at Dawn's Diversions got this award, I voted for her, of course, because she really is a TopMomma, and I want to be just like her, I joined. I just got the email that my picture link to my blog is on the 1st page of the TopMomma site. Your votes will keep me there....... Please go to this link and click on my picture!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Sign of Spring Arrived Yesterday around Noon in Arkansas!
My Kids Say the Darndest Things......
Daddy: Braden, scoot your chair up to the table.
Braden: Dad, I did it last night.
Last night, Braden & Jason (Daddy) are driving to basketball practice, a car keeps dying in front of them at every stop sign.
Braden: I bet all those other drivers of the cars are calling that car the "e" word.
Daddy: Son, what is the "e" word?
Braden: You know Daddy, IDIOT!
Braden: No fair, daddy, you are supposed to let me win, because I'm your kid!
I was washing Kaybrie's hair the other day in the shower.
Kaybrie: Mommy, me eyes burning.
Kaybrie is very independent and wants to do everthing by herself.
Kaybrie: Me. No helping me.
Daddy: Kaybrie, are you going to go walk today and see Justin, Emery, and Faith?
Kaybrie: Yes, Ma'am.
Daddy: What is your favorite food?
Kaybrie: Cheese.
Daddy: What do you get at Sonic?
Kaybrie: Apple Slush
Daddy: What is your favorite song?
Kaybrie: Jesus Loves Me.
Daddy: What do you get at Arby's and McDonalds?
Kaybrie is beginning to sing. Her favorite song to sing is her version of "Rock A Bye Baby".
Kaybrie: Rock A Bye Jesus......
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Something Different: A "Royal" Beauty Treatment
In my Ladies Bible study, we are doing Beth Moore's Esther. For almost two years, Esther was put through extensive beauty treatments in order to be presented to King Xerxes, as a possible candidate for Queen. I wonder if the following ancient hair removal was used? Threading.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Weight Loss Journey- Week 7
Weight Loss Journey- Week 6
Weight Loss Journey- Week 5
Weight Loss Journey- Week 4 continued......
Monday, February 16, 2009
Newest Blog Award!

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I now pass it on to the following:
Carrie @ Tillman4
Carrie @ Oharamom
Liz @ lizzydearslife
Jennifer @ 3Gals & A Guy
Belinda @ Nana's Treehouse
Tonya @ Smart, Fun, & Gorgeous
Glenna @ The Treadway Treehouse
The Kirk Family
Meg @ Matt & Meg's Blog
Keeping up with the Wedemeyer's
Michelle @ The Froggy Bottom Blog
Sima @ Sima Fine Art Jewelry
Denise Lopez
Holly @ The Clouse Adventures
Chloe @ Blog Name TBD
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tornado Hits. Town Devastated. God IS in Control.

Pictures Courtesy of Julie (Jason's cousin in law), used w/out permission, but I'm hoping she doesn't mind!
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Winner is.......
Thursday, February 5, 2009
100th Post! A Must Read!
In 2008, this is the picture MIA. I had saved all of his spelling tests. We cut out 100 words from those test. Then we made a poster. It said "I Can Spell 100 Words"!
In honor of my 100th post, The4-Crow's has team up with SimaGJewelry and will be giving away this custom made, handcrafted, cute, cute, cute necklace! Thank you SimaG!

My Heart is FOR YOU my dear - - Your name or your loved one name on a sterling silver heart
How do you, one of my readers win?
I only want 1 Comment containing the following info, read carefully!
1. Visit SimaG's blog, take a look at her Jewelry, tell me your favorite, don't forget to tell SimaG!
2. Tell me why you like to blog.
3. Follow Me, The 4-Crow's wants more readers, and I want to follow more blogs!
4. Refer a Friend to look at my post, tell me that friends name (hopefully they will comment as well), I have an open blog!
5. Go to one of the blogs I follow on the right side of my blog, leave a comment on that blog, and tell me who you visited.
On Monday, February 9th I will draw one comment, I sure hope it is yours! Please leave me your email address in your comment, so that I can contact the winner and make arrangements for your name or your loved one's name and the delivery of this beautiful hand-stamped necklace!
Thank you my readers and fellow bloggers for making The 4-Crow's blog so much fun!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009

The Blondie Cartoon from Sunday, was great! I was unable to figure out how to put it on my blog, so here is the link:
Sunday, February 1, 2009
25 Random Things
1. I am the oldest of 3 children.
2. I wanted my baby brother, baby sister, not so much!
3. I knocked my brother crossed eyed w/ a baseball bat when I was 7, he was 2! I told him to move, and it really was an accident, but not according to him and my parents!
4. Once, when I was 16, my cuz Tonya and I parked sidewards on a muddy dirt road at night,to find her rings that she threw out the window w/ the trash. We found them! Don't litter!
5. I used to always throw the Sonic Straw Paper out the Window when I was in college. Don't Litter.
6. My brother and I share the same birthday, only I'm 4 years older.
7. I have a very bad addiction. Route 44 Diet Coke's, w/ a little diet cherry, and extra ice from Sonic, and I never hit Happy Hour- $1.94 each day!
8. I have never had a hangover!
9. I can now put World Traveler on my Resume'. I went to the Bahamas last year!
10. My weight Yo Yo's, especially when I am happy!
11. I love blogging, facebook, and myspace.
12. I've only had 1 speeding ticket.
13. I ended a 10 year banking career as an officer and Assistant Branch Manager to become a SAHM.
14. I just saw the ocean for the 1st time last May.
15. I've lived in the following cities: Wilson, OK, Weatherford, OK, Tulsa, OK, Overland Park, KS, Lawton, OK, OKC, OK, Edmond, OK, Wilson, OK, Bixby, OK, Broken Arrow, OK!
16. I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 9yrs old in VBS.
17. I like Contemporay Christian Music, Country & 80's
18. I snore-how embarrasing!
19. I sneeze after I eat sweets and when I go into the sun!
20. My name, hmmm...My Daddy picked up an African-American hitchhiker while in college, her name was ShaRhonda and I am forever her namesake! True Story, but was denied until I graduated from college.
21. I only have 1 pet. Hush the Fish.
22. I grew up in the country.
23. I like to cook.
24. I love working out w/ my girlfriends (gab time).
25. This one everyone should know, but its the best! I love my husband and two kids!
26. I've been in 4 bank robberies!
27. I went to Forestry Camp two years, the summer before I was 16 and the summer before I was 17. The first year 72 guys/8 girls. The second, 64/6. Nice ratios, huh- I got my 1st kiss there! I went w/ my cuz, Tonya.(I know, what happened to 25?)