Sunday, March 29, 2009
If You Don't Like the Weather in Oklahoma, Hang Around!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
If the Shoe Fits, Buy Two Pairs!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Crow Kite Festival
This was Kaybrie's first time to fly a kite, look how they are all focused!
It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's a Spiderman Kite.
All the string was rolled out, look how high the kite got!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Crow Spring Break Chronicles......

Kaybrie after her piercing, she is so proud!
March 15, 2009- Went to church with Moma. After church, Moma, Braden, Kaybrie, Jadyn, sister Stephanie and I went to Durant for my cousin's baby shower. We got to see Tonya, Shawn, Angela, Destiny, Aunt Pat, Danna Beth, Uncle Monk, Aunt Julie, Liz and Mika. Lot's of cute baby gifts! We can't wait until Carter Reece gets here! Kaybrie wore a diaper all day, then that night was her first night to wear big girl panties and wake up dry! Jadyn, Tristan, and Seth spent the night with us.
Angela Dawn at eating cake, isn't she cute!
March 16,2009- Braden and I picked up cousin Casey at Lone Grove at 7:50AM. I was able to see first hand the damage from the Tornado, just awful. The kiddos played all day outside, on the hay, with their Nintendo DS game systems, and on a large wood spool. All grandkids were there except for Mika and Judah. :(. We grilled hot dogs and ate outside! Kaybrie wore big girl panties all day and only had two accidents, ADULT fault...she told them, they weren't listening. Tristan and Seth went home, to get ready for a trip to El Paso. At 6:30 I met two of my friends from H.S. at Applebees in Ardmore, we talked for 4 hours, why did we wait almost 17 years to do that? I had so much fun! I got back to Mom and Dad's at 11:00, my parents were waiting up on me, playing w/ Kaybrie, Braden was passed out. I felt like a teenager again. Another dry night for Kaybrie!
Seth, Jadyn, Casey, Braden & Tristan, playing Star Wars Clone Wars on the Hay!

Braden, Seth & Casey playing on the wood spool!
H.S. Friends-Heather, Me & Jamie
March 17, 2009- Happy St. Patrick's Day! Another fun filled day outside. Stephanie and I laid out on the trampoline, we got a little sun while watching Moma plant and work in her yard. Braden, Jadyn, Kaybrie & Rowdy played together. My friend Sherry came over during the afternoon, and we talked for hours, its hard to believe that her kids are 21 and almost 15! It was so good to see her. My brother Jason also came over and had dinner with us. Kaybrie did great on potty training, only one accident-when we turned on the water outside. Another dry night.
March 18, 2009- Stephanie, Jadyn & I went to Lone Grove to get groceries and pick up Jadyn's friend Kennedy. Once again, a fun filled day OUTSIDE.....Potty training again went well and we had another dry night.March 19, 2009-Packed and ready to get home, my Moma is not feeling well, so I cancel her Nuerologist appointment, but first find out that the numbness in her hands and feet and pain in neck will not require surgery, and can be treated w/ medication. After lunch w/ Stephanie and her kids, we start the trek home. We ran into rain in the Arbuckle Mountains until Pauls Valley, heavy rain. I was so nervous, Kaybrie is still wearing panties and I really do not want an accident in my car. My favorite place to stop in OKC is the Sonic right before you get on the Turnpike to Tulsa. This Sonic has a restroom that I can park in front of, send Braden to the restroom and then go myself. Only this time, Kaybrie got to go in with me. She wouldn't go! I had to get the potty chair out of the car in order for the deed to be done! Aaaargh......! We finally arrive home around 4:30PM, HOME SWEET HOME! Kaybrie actually surprised me, she went to the potty all by herself without any help from me or anyone, yep, went to the bathroom by herself, pulled down her panties and just did it! Yay! It's official, my 25 1/2 month old is POTTY TRAINED! As her reward, I have had an interactive Belle Tea Party doll. It has been in its box for several months, just waiting for the right time, and Kaybrie really wanted it but just wasn't ready to take the step, but now she finally took possession and it is her turn to teach all of her baby dolls how to potty...
Kaybrie using the potty with Belle!
So, as you can tell we had a fantastic, adventurous, and fun filled Spring Break! Can't wait until next year!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring Break-Where Are We Going?
The kiddos and I are headed to my hometown of Wilson, OK to visit with my family. We are scheduled to go to a baby shower, to Aunt Gracie's, a Mom's Night with her H.S. friends, lots of walks, spending time with cousins, playing outside, shopping, and playing on the hay! I am sure it will be an eventful time! No posts until next Friday the 20th.......Have a safe & wonderful Spring Break! And you ask, Where in the World is Wilson, Oklahoma.....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kaybrie's Magazine Cover

Monday, March 9, 2009
My Kaybrie is a WINNER: Beautiful Baby Search...

Could this possibly be the winning picture? I just can't wait until 9AM, so I visit the Regis & Kelly link. Ten babies are chosen today, with only 24 hours to arrive to the top 5. Is Kaybrie there? Since she hasn't been in any of the photo galleries, they must be saving the best for last. Is she there, is she there? Everyone has told me how gorgeous she is. When my Moma got Kaybrie's B-Day invitation with the same picture, she told me that Kaybrie would be the Winner. Ahhh, there are the beautiful babies, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,....10! What? No Way! Can't Be! I am Speechless!
No, Kaybrie was not one of the 10 finalist, there is always hope in the next 48hrs that one of the finalist parents will ignore the phone call or miss their flight and in that case Kaybrie and I will be on that plane out of Tulsa International in no time, I better go shopping, nothing in the closet fits. Just imagine, Prada, Louie, Coach, Jimmy Choo's, please let them miss that plane.
Disclosure: There are millions of parents across the U.S. that are feeling the same way, we all know however, that our babies are WINNERS, and don't need some STUPID contest to tell the World how beautiful they are. But, New York City would have been so nice. Don't you know that it is all about the Parents, not the kids. Well, there is always next year, and yes, Kaybrie will be entered again!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Weight Loss Journey- Week, who knows? I think 9!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Spring? K-I-D-S? = G-I-R-L-S? + B-O-Y-S?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March Madness- Probably not at the Crow's Nest...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Is Your Blog Green this Month?

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.