It's been a few weeks since I have written a Start it out Right Sunday, not because I've been slacking as a Christian, but honestly I just plain haven't felt like writing with my ankle! In a few of my past entries I mentioned that I was writing a freelance story about the instructor of my bootcamp where I hurt my ankle. Well, it was published in Christian MomLogic, an online forum. Quite honestly, its my first attempt at being published since high school, so here it is. At current time I have submitted it to MOPS MomSense and to 918Moms, we will see if it is picked up!
Matthew 5:16 NAS
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven!
Whoa, what a strong and well said verse! And you know what else, how many Mothers can sit and tell you that one particular verse from the Bible is their family’s verse? If you can, you are one up on my family.
The above verse is also the family verse for 32-year-old woman of faith, wife, mom of 3, daughter, friend, trainer, National VP for Arbonne, future missionary, counselor, former University of Oklahoma College Basketball Player 1996-1999, MOPS table leader-
Miranda Stacy Burcham!
From a distance you would probably think fitness fanatic, you know, a blond version of Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser, or at least that is what I've been thinking for the last say 8 months while I've been "working out/gabbing" with my girlfriends at First Baptist Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. While walking by myself pushing my dear two year old daughter in the stroller during the first week of June, I watched approx 40+ women boot camping it. When I found out child care is being provided for only $2 and the cost of class was going to be ZERO, I decided to do it!
What? This is Miranda’s ministry! She has such a heart for fitness and health that she started a ten week- 4 day/week class on June 15th, 2 days at First Baptist Church in Broken Arrow and 2 days at the high school football field in Coweta, Oklahoma where her husband is the head football coach. Once the ten week program is over, when school starts back, she is prayerfully considering continuing the 2 a days at FBCBA!
I am not going lie to you, the class isn’t easy. It is not for sissies! It calls for karaoke’s, running bleachers, running sprints, burpees, rolling over tractor tires. Yep, I was begging for a handicap toilet after 2 days, but it was the best feeling ever! Miranda did not force me to do anything beyond my limits though, she encouraged me and told me how strong I was and what a great job I was doing! Just as she encouraged the other 50+ women who came on Monday and Wednesday and the 40+ that came on Tuesday!
The name of this ministry: Powerful-Hourfull! The main purpose of this ministry is to give Mom’s/Women one hour to themselves to work out and pour into them the time they need to be happy about them and to know that they are POWERFUL. It’s not about being fat or thin or what size you are but about whom you are and how you feel. Miranda often heard these things from women at the gym and wanted to make a difference.
“Not enough time.”
“I’ll never lose weight.”
“I can’t connect the dots, mentally, physically, socially.”
Miranda just wants women to get to know that their physical goals are possible. She wants them to know that they can take an hour in the gym and not only change the way they look, but the way that they feel inside and out!! It is about helping women push through their perceived physical limits, but also take every area of their life to the next level. Miranda is extremely goal oriented. Her Arbonne team is getting ready to earn its 21st Mercedes at the end of July, how cool is that! And of course she proudly drives her white Mercedes around and proudly displays the bumper sticker “Press On”, on the back!
Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Helping you become a better you, will make me better.
One of her favorite quotes is: To be great, serve many.
Miranda has been a Christian since she was seven years old. She has been married to her husband Stephen for 8 years and they have three beautiful children, Bronson 6, Brelee 3, and Brax 1.
So, what is a typical Miranda day/week? Monday-Friday, workout, but if there is something that comes up, it is not earth shattering! Lunch at ChickFil-A, Souper Salad or home, naptime for the kiddos, shower, playtime, pickup time, boating, and no more than 10 hours a week devoted to Arbonne.
And for the question we are all dying to know, what is Miranda’s daily food intake? First of all, “Eat clean, eating sensibly no boxed food, shop the outward aisles.”
Do her kids get junk food? Yes, and they love sweet tea! But, for the most part they make healthy choices, which I think for any Mother is very important!
1 Minute Oatmeal, w/honey, RAW sugar, flax seed, wheat germ, raisins, a few nuts,
After Workout, because you have to replace those carbs
Fruit/apple w/ ½ t peanut butter
Soup/Salad, bread on side, hummus,
carb & PROTEIN
3-4 Ritz Crackers, ½ piece of string cheese
Dinner (smallest meal) around 6-6:30
Roast, carrots, corn on the cob
Big Glass of Water
So in response to being called the
blonde version of Jillian
Michaels? Miranda takes that as a huge compliment, especially as a Christian if she can make even an ounce of an impact in someone’s life as Jillian has, that is HUGE! Also, how many of us women have our own personal life verses from the Bible? Miranda’s is:
Phillipians 3:13-14 "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I PRESS ON TOWARD THE GOAL TO WIN THE PRIZE FOR WHICH GOD IS CALLING ME HEAVENWARD IN CHRIST JESUS!!
Miranda and her family have an opportunity to go on their first mission trip June 30-July 5
th. They hope to one day take their family to Africa and after watching Slum Dog Millionaire, now have India on their list. However for now, God has directed them to Falcon, Colorado. Colorado has a LARGE
churched population and the town has doubled in size in the last few years. Miranda and her husband Stephen will be running basketball camps, football camps, and telling Bible stories. They will be traveling as a family and will need prayer as a family in travel, prayer for the ministry team, prayer for safety and prayer for financial support. The ministry team consists of 15 team members.
Another huge passion Miranda has is for abused children, she is involved with a group called Royal Family Kids Camp, which is the nation's leading network of camps for abused, neglected and abandoned children. At this time there are only five camps in Oklahoma. Her goal is to bring one to the Tulsa area.
If you live anywhere near the Tulsa, OK area and are interested in joining this six-week program with the option of working out any of the 4 days of the week or all of them the classes each day begin at 9:30. M & W at First Baptist Church Broken Arrow and T & TH at
Coweta High School Football Field!
If you are looking to join a MOPS group in your area, go to this

Warming Up!

Our Group Circled Up Sharing Prayer Requests!
Now how will I Start It Out Right this Week, by having a better attitude about this ankle- my goodness its been 5 weeks, I only have 3 events planned this week and I did I mention that I have to get Braden ready for tackle football, so I have to be in full recovery mode! My faith is in the Lord that this is gonna happen!