Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wordful Wednesday- Broken Arrow's Homecoming
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 14

How do you participate in Start It Out Right Sunday's? Please email The 4-Crow's, you'll be added as a reader, then just play along. All you have to do is grab the button, sign MckLinky, and share how you are going to Start It Out Right, it can be from the sermon at church, the diet you will start, the house you will clean, the amends you will make or just anything to Start It Out Right! I look forward to reading each week!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 13

How do you participate in Start It Out Right Sunday's? Please email The 4-Crow's, you'll be added as a reader, then just play along. All you have to do is grab the button, sign MckLinky, and share how you are going to Start It Out Right, it can be from the sermon at church, the diet you will start, the house you will clean, the amends you will make or just anything to Start It Out Right! I look forward to reading each week!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Summer Crow's Race for the Cure
We walked in celebration and in memory of many family members and friends.
The 4-Crow's list is at the bottom of this post!
Here is our team!
Stacye, Chris, Faith, Braden & Kaybrie strolling along!
Dusty walking!
Dusty walked in celebration of her Mother, Sharon Morton!
The Finish Line, all Breast Cancer Survivors were greeted with a beautiful pink carnation!
The 4-Crow's celebration list: Angie Crow, Mary Lee Grace, Katie Keys, Nancy Gunter
The 4-Crow's memory list: Ann Tomlinson, Great Aunt Tressie, Great Grandmother Dillard
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wordful Wednesday- Guess What We Are Doing?
My baby boy pushing through the line...
...that quarterback is mine!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 12

The Baptism took place outside in an inflatable pool, this is Sydney with her parents Lynn and Steve, yep it was raining!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wordless Wednesday- No Arguing
Jason caught this classic snapshot on Sunday. Both Braden and Kaybrie (she is using mine, she likes crashing the cars) are laying on Braden's bed playing Nintendo DS's. Yep, a classic wordless moment- no arguing!
For more Wordless Wednesday post visit 5 Minutes for Mom
Drumroll...Blogoversary Background Winner Is..
True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 6 Result: 4
And the Winner is......
kenziekylanmom over at Keeping up With the Wedemeyer's!
Congratulations! You win the Custom Made Background for your blog made by Devri at Tweetest Backgrounds!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 11
How do you participate in Start It Out Right Sunday's? Please email The4Crow's, you'll be added as a reader then just play along. All you have to do is grab the button, sign MckLinky it will and share in your blog post how you are gonna Start It Out Right, it can be from the Sermon at Church, the diet you will start, the house you will clean, the amends you will make, just anything to get to Start IT Out Right! Have fun playing along, I look forward to reading each week!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Happy One Year Blogoversary- TODAY! (plus a blogoversary giveaway)
Happy Blogoversary to The 4-Crow's! Wow, I can't believe that I have been telling the world the in's and out's and all of the happenings of The Crow's Nest for one year now! That is 178 stories about the about our life, never knew we were so interesting or that I could tell you so much about us! LOL! This is also my 100th post for 2009!
My friend Carrie O, over at Oharamom encouraged me to start blogging. Through the blogosphere I have met many friends! I have even branched off into Facebook and into Twitter (my buttons are on the right side of the blog)! I have encouraged many of my friends and family to start using these electronic social exchanges as well! It is so fun! Love it!
Over the course of the year my readers have seen many changes to our blog and will be seeing many changes to come. When I first started out blogging a year ago, our blog was an open blog, meaning it was open for the world to see. Now, in order to protect my family it went private in June. Yes, this has been pain. But, I am finding that control over who reads and sees our lives is a must. Our readers may have also noticed the blog meme "Start It Out Right Sunday", for those of you who do not know what a meme is, (rhymes with theme), memes have become synonymous with internet quizzes, surveys, and novelties that people link to and pass around on their blogs, forums and via email. A few of the changes you will be seeing will be a watermark on any pictures posted on our blog along with a new blog makeover by Devri at Tweetest Backgrounds! She does free and custom Twitter backgrounds along with blog backgrounds and........she has graciously agreed to give one of my readers their own custom designed blog background, in honor of our one year blogoversary! How cool is that?
So, how do you qualify for the possibility of getting your own custom blog background?
Just leave me a comment telling me what your favorite post was on The 4-Crow's this year and why, and follow Devri's Tweetest Background's blog! (Giveaway ends 9/09/09 at 09:09 AM)
Don't forget Devri has lots of free Twitter backgrounds, so grab one from her site, follow her on Twitter and show her some love! Thank you, Devri!
And to all of our readers, thank you so much for continuing to read The 4-Crow's. I know that it is very frustrating to have to go in and physically look each time for an updated post since private blogs do not update on blogger's dashboard. Don't forget that we love comments on our posts and always look forward to reading them!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wordful Wednesday
...getting the best of both girls yesterday. Yep, a little mixing it all together, because it's so much better 'cause you know, you've got the best of both worlds!
(especially when your Mom finds the Hannah Montana wig and backpack for you and your BFF for only $3 at Wal-Mart)