Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WW: A Week of Pics

I'm a little behind in posts and pictures, can you say BUSY!!! So I'm just gonna get it down with as few words as possible and pretty much let the pictures tell my stories!
Braden's First Day of School- August 12, 2010
Braden & Kaybrie waiting for the bus on the first day of school!

Kaybrie was like the Energizer Bunny at Braden's Scrimmage on Saturday, she just kept cheering and cheering. We had to make her sit down for four plays at a time just to make her rest and get water into her! Don't know where she gets it, hmmm maybe from her Moma, maybe from her Grandma. Probably a little of both!

Go, Go, Go. Big G, Little O- Go!


Mom Mayhem says: said...

Ahww -How cute! An energizer bunny -eh?! -I could use some of that ;)

Liz said...

Very Cute! I love these photos, Braden and Kaybrie have grown in the past couple of months since I saw them last!

Dawn said...

Cute pictures!!

Just Wedeminute said...

OMG, Kaybrie is so adorable in her cheer outfit, what a little doll!!! Thanks for sharing!!!