Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Check Out the New YouTube Channels from DCKids & Warner Bros & Win! #Sponsored

Have you seen the videos from DCKids & Warner Bros' new YouTube channels? If you are a Super Hero obsessed family check them out! With summer right around the corner, this will become one thing to add to the summer to do list. There are lots of favorites such as Batman Unlimited, DC Super Friends and Scooby-Doo! There will be many more updates over the next year, so don't forget to subscribe to their channels!

DCKids Channel
WBKids Channel

My son was obsessed with Batman when younger and still has to watch when he can. I can't wait to show him these channels. Since I have been looking through pictures this week in honor of mine and my husband's ten year wedding anniversary, here is my son's Halloween picture from 2005. How adorable was he? When did he grow up?  He just had to have that light up Dark Knight Batman costume.

Are you ready to see the playlists? Here is the Batman playlist. Let me know what you think.

Want a chance to win one of five mystery toy gift baskets? The baskets are worth a minimum of $50, and will be picked by the staff of Warner Bros and DCKids. Just enter below on the easy Rafflecopter form.

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This post and giveaway is sponsored by Warner Bros.

Ten Years of Wedded Bliss

Jason and I celebrated our TEN year anniversary yesterday. If you are any friend of mine you already know because of the countless posts on Facebook and Instagram.

May 19, 2005

 I posted a 10 picture slide show of us at 4:30 am so he could see it as soon as he got to work. It contained the following three slides.

I loved this slide and it really surprised him. Throughout this blog I have documented our stories. The story of how we met. Our engagement story. Our wedding story. After all this is what this blog is all about. Our family: living, laughing, learning and loving. 

I found myself humming a little Shania over the past few weeks. Romantic, huh?

He asked me how I figured all those hours and minutes. Thank you Pinterest. LOL!

I made a cake. A bundt cake. Our son was rather upset that he couldn't dig in as soon as he got home from school. Funny story. I ran to the store to get a can of frosting for this cake. I decided to make a glaze instead. Canned frosting may never be used again at my house.

Chocolate Glaze
2 T melted butter
3 T Cocoa
1 1/2 C Powdered Sugar
1 t vanilla
4 T warm water

Melt butter over low heat, add other ingredients. Stir until smooth. Pour over cake. 

I fixed my hair, did my makeup, and put my boots on. We went to dinner at Charleston's. ALONE!!!

May 19, 2015

As far as anniversary gifts....#10 is supposed to be jewelry, my new Nikon D 3300 DSLR fits beautifully around my neck and in my hand!!! He always has had a knack for adorning me.

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Friday, May 8, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week, Day 5: Spirit FlipFlops

It wouldn't be Teacher Appreciation for my kid's teachers if they didn't get this gift. I have made them every year since Miss K has been in school. My boy has even had me make a few pair for his teachers over the year. I love making beaded Spirit Flip Flops. I make and sell usually for $15 a pair. They began years ago as a football fundraiser and now when I make them they help fund any and all extracurricalar activities my kids participate in. 

I even made a new printable this year. It's simple and says it all. Without great teachers to make the year a success, it really would be a flop! I printed it as a 3x5 and it worked great. 

This concludes Teacher Appreciation Week 2015. Be sure to check every day this week for the gifts that were given to our special teachers this year. 

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week 2015, Day 4: EOS Lip Balm Printable

Day 4 of National Teacher Appreciation week and the teacher deserves an apple, or like the printable below says the entire tree! It never ceases to amaze me that when I need to print something my ink runs out and so does my paper. I guess that is what happens in a crafty household. 

Have you seen all the EOS Lip Balm crafts on Pinterest? They are awesome. I actually had to come up with this gift to replace another gift that did not come in on time. Anyway. my Miss K was very curious as to how I was going to make that "apple" stick to the paper. Here's the trick. Take it out of the original packaging. Once you cut the circle out of the printable, open the lip balm and then close it back between the piece of paper. I promise, the teacher is not going to mind. Just don't use their yummy lip balm. 

This is how the printable is supposed to look. Ignore my terrible ink job. This blog and blogger are real. We are not perfect. Things happen. Thoughts matter the most.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Teacher Appreciation 2015, Day 3: Thanks for Being A Sweet TEAcher

We are on day three of National Teacher Appreciation Week. My daughter's teacher just so happens to love sweet tea! 

You can download the printable here. I printed it as a 4x6. 

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

MakeUp Eraser, Just Add Water.

Y'all. Confession time. I am 40 years old and I have terrible makeup removal habits. My facial cleanser stays in the shower. I usually shower in the morning unless I have an evening workout. 4 out of 7 days per week in the Winter I don't even wear makeup, because I do not step out into public. My job doesn't require me to, so why waste a pretty face? With Spring here, activities are increasing and the need for that pretty face is a MUST. Also comes time for sunscreen and waterproof mascara and eyeliner. So, I have to add an eye makeup remover. Who has time for that?

My cousin Beverly recently sent me a pink box. In this box was a pink polyester cloth called the MakeUp Eraser. I couldn't wait to try this out.

The MakeUp Eraser directions were simple enough. Add water. Use the side without the tag to remove your makeup and use the side with the tag to exfoliate. Okay. 

Oh my WOW! Check it out. The proof is on the pink eraser. All of my makeup was removed including my waterproof eyeliner and mascara. I even used it on my 3D Fiber Lashes one evening. I had ZERO raccoon eyes. My face was so smooth and clean and the next morning it even felt great. I was then worried about how my pretty little pink cloth would clean up. I put a little bit of Dawn dishwashing soap on it and it is good as new. The cloth boasts of going through 1000 machine washes before getting a new one. At $19.97 plus tax and shipping that is cheaper than my regular cleanser...

Makeup Eraser LLC, was established in 2012 by three generations of women in one family. After research and lots of makeup, they found the product that removed their makeup with just water. They even developed an affiliate program that would help give women financial freedom while selling a product that every woman needs. 

The MakeUp Eraser has even been featured on NBC's Bobbie's Buzz. Check it out. 

Chemical Free. Uses only water. Machine washable. Reasonably priced at $19.97 plus shipping and handling,  A 30 day money back guarantee. Potentially saving hundreds of dollars on other cleansers and wipes. The MakeUp Eraser is absolutely priceless. 

What are you waiting for? Get one today! While your at it grab a few for gifts. By the way...the men love these also and will really love the new color black that will be released in June. Did I mention that they clean chrome and grease also? Imagine all the household uses. Let me know what you think. 

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*I was not monetarily compensated for this review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Teacher Appreciation Week, Day 2: Pencil Pretzels Rods

Today is the day that all the specials teachers and the bus driver get appreciated. My daughter is also giving one to her teacher and her teacher from last year. 

These are inspired from Parents magazine a few years ago. I love that magazine.  

I will say that theirs are much brighter and better covered than mine (not sure why the first picture isn't very bright, maybe because it is packaged). It must be the candy melts. Mine came from Hobby Lobby along with the tags and bags. They were a lot of fun to make. And to be honest with you very yummy. One thing I do know about teachers, is they like fun food! 

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week 2015: Day 1 #ThankATeacher #TAW2015

It's that time of year again. Time to THANK A TEACHER! If you can read this post, you better be thanking a teacher. If you want, I even have a blank printable of the above picture at this link. Even if you do not have children yet or children who are not old enough to be enrolled in a school district. What? I bet you didn't know you could do that. Yes, you can. If you live in a community that houses a school, join your school's PTA (Parent Teachers Association). At the elementary school where we attend, it's a $8 membership fee. This fee goes to local, state, and federal chapters. Your membership even comes with benefits. You decide how active you want to be. PTA is dedicated to empowering parents to make a difference in the education, health, and safety of America’s children. Since 1984, National PTA has designated the first full week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. Our TEACHERS!

This year's National Teacher's Appreciation Week is May 4-8. For those of you rushing around still thinking of ideas of what to get those incredible, hardworking, snot nose wiping, shoe tying, sock finding teachers, I am going to show you daily what I am sending. A few my own ideas, a few Pinterest inspired.

Now keep in mind these are the incredible people that deal with your beautiful and wonderful children that you labored so hard to get into this world only to send off to school for 6-10 hours a day to enrich their minds and nurse their boo boos. You want to make these gifts special. Mine are always on the frugal side, but from the heart. I like to send something every single day with my elementary student because she has only one teacher, then I send one thing to her specials teachers and the bus driver. For my son, he has six teachers so each one of them get a special token of appreciation.

Day 1: Strawberry Pie in Etched Pie Plate with Printable

How yummy is this? Here is the recipe. It's our fave. And  one we have shared several times on the blog! 

And here is the printable that I attached. It is a simple one. Easy as π to make in PicMonkey. I made it more generic for my readers to use. 

The etched pie plate....hmmm who forgets to take a picture of that? Me. Oh well, that's kind of a surprise at the end of eating anyway. 

Tomorrow I will show you day two's gift. What are you giving your children's incredible teachers this year? 

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*This post contains an affiliate link