It's that time of year again. Time to THANK A TEACHER! If you can read this post, you better be thanking a teacher. If you want, I even have a blank printable of the above picture at this
link. Even if you do not have children yet or children who are not old enough to be enrolled in a school district. What? I bet you didn't know you could do that. Yes, you can. If you live in a community that houses a school, join your school's PTA (Parent Teachers Association). At the elementary school where we attend, it's a $8 membership fee. This fee goes to local, state, and federal chapters. Your membership even comes with
benefits. You decide how active you want to be. PTA is dedicated to empowering parents to make a difference in the education, health, and safety of America’s children. Since 1984, National PTA has designated the first full week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. Our TEACHERS!
This year's National Teacher's Appreciation Week is May 4-8. For those of you rushing around still thinking of ideas of what to get those incredible, hardworking, snot nose wiping, shoe tying, sock finding teachers, I am going to show you daily what I am sending. A few my own ideas, a few Pinterest inspired.
Now keep in mind these are the incredible people that deal with your beautiful and wonderful children that you labored so hard to get into this world only to send off to school for 6-10 hours a day to enrich their minds and nurse their boo boos. You want to make these gifts special. Mine are always on the frugal side, but from the heart. I like to send something every single day with my elementary student because she has only one teacher, then I send one thing to her specials teachers and the bus driver. For my son, he has six teachers so each one of them get a special token of appreciation.
Day 1: Strawberry Pie in Etched Pie Plate with Printable
How yummy is this? Here is the
recipe. It's our fave. And one we have shared several times on the blog!
And here is the
printable that I attached. It is a simple one. Easy as
π to make in
PicMonkey. I made it more generic for my readers to use.
The etched pie plate....hmmm who forgets to take a picture of that? Me. Oh well, that's kind of a surprise at the end of eating anyway.
Tomorrow I will show you day two's gift. What are you giving your children's incredible teachers this year?
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