Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, what did I do on my Birthday? It started out with a birthday card from my honey and then about 10 phone calls, lots of Happy Birthdays on my MySpace page, and of course hugs & kisses from my kids. Jason said that I was just like my MIL w/ the calls and then my plans for lunch, instead of the "old hens" club, I am a part of the "hot momma chicks" club! What a compliment.

Kaybrie and I met Carrie T, Justin, Stacye, & Faith for lunch at Broken Arrow's newest Tea Room, "The Polka Dot Place", located at 81st & 145th! Yummy and oh so Cute! It is definitely a girly place, with the most wonderful mini quiches and salads. We loved it! It is so fun getting together w/ girlfriends!

After football practice, my MIL made dinner for me and gave me the sweetest card. We had steak, baked potatoes, salad and birthday apple pie. It was awesome! I had a great B-Day! Thanks to everyone for my gifts, cards, calls and just plain spending time w/ me!

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