Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween at the Crow's.......

The Crow tradition for Halloween is usually to go to my MIL's for chili and Trick or Treatin' on her street. This year plans were changed due to a home football game. So, we did something a little different. We actually stayed home. After school, Braden & I carved our first pumpkin together, it was fun! Then my MIL came over to see the kids and our friend Kris also dropped in for a little while. After everyone left, the kids played outside and I ordered pizza. Then we got ready for a fun-filled evening of finding some candy! Kaybrie went as a Ballerina Princess and Braden as Darth Vader. Believe it or not there was only about 4 houses on our street that actually were participating in the nights activities, bummer. Then we loaded up in the car and went to Aunt S's house. Braden went to a few houses in their neighborhood and made out pretty good. It was a great Halloween!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It looks like a good time. I love the costumes!