Monday, August 17, 2009

Start It Out Right Sunday- Week 9 (Yeah I Know It's Monday)

Yes, it is Monday, I know I'm late, but it has been a busy week! First of all we have had football practice every night this week from 6:15-8:30 and I am one tired Moma! Second of all, school started on Wednesday, so unless you are a friend on FB you have not even seen the back to school pictures, and thirdly and most importantly- I needed some time with the MAN in my life yesterday!

Jason does not even know I exist anymore except for the occasional meals of egg salad and Hamburger Helper that he eats ALONE. He does know I exists by the clean underwear, clean house and ran children! I know he exists by the kiss he gives me when he leaves at 6:30 in the morning, the paycheck and help with bathing the kids at 9 o'clock at night! That's pathetic, huh?

So, he planned a date for us on Sunday after church! Lunch at Texas Roadhouse, much needed conversation and then a movie! We saw the Time Traveler's Wife- now I must read the book, because I have so many unanswered questions!

So, I guess in a way I did Start my Week out Right by spending quality time with my husband and marriage!

How do you participate in Start It Out Right Sunday's? Please email The4Crow's, you'll be added as a reader then just play along. All you have to do is grab the button, sign MckLinky it will and share in your blog post how you are gonna Start It Out Right, it can be from the Sermon at Church, the diet you will start, the house you will clean, the amends you will make, just anything to get to Start IT Out Right! Have fun playing along, I look forward to reading each week!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I just bought the book. I want to read it before I see the movie.

I'm glad you all got some alone time! I know those times are few and precious!