Friday, November 28, 2014

Elf on the Shelf 2014 Link-Up with The 4-Crow's Blog: The Arrival

It's #ElfReturnWeek, has your elf  returned yet? Our doorbell rang last night not long after we turned our Christmas lights on outside the house. Maybe that was their signal to come. They brought with them a Reindeer Pet that Miss K named Frost, Elf on the Shelf PJ's and a letter from Santa!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 26th? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2014 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

November 29
December 5
December 12
December 19
December 26


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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Small Talk Book Review & Giveaway

“Sometimes God uses the smallest voices to teach the greatest truths…”

Watch this book trailer:


I can personally attest to the above statement. I am in my third year of serving in our church's elementary ministry. I have moved up with my daughter every year since she was in Kindergarten. I love this group of kids. This year I finally found my sweet spot as a Station Leader. After our entire groups worship time, I get the opportunity to come back and recap the lesson. One particular lesson was on words and how they hurt. I asked the 50+ kids for hurtful words. One boy, in church shouted out B***H. Yes, that is a very very hurtful word. I had to not say anything and just continue on with my lesson. Afterward, I spoke with his grandmother. This boy, sweet little 2nd grade boy, had just been taken away from his mother. His life had been in turmoil. He didn't need reprimand from me. He needed LOVE. Does God reprimand me when I let a bad word slip? Nope. He loves me. Thank you Lord for using that small voice to teach me that truth.

"Every day, one of Amy Julia Becker’s children says something that prompts her to think about life in a new way. “Mom, does Santa love me?” William asks, after his mother explains the meaning of Christmas…In a chat with her dad about the children who died in the Sandy Hook shootings, Penny asks, “Did they go to heaven?” …”You was a jerk, Mommy?” asks Marilee one morning in the car.
These conversations deepen Amy Julia’s relationships with her children, but they also refine her understanding of what she believes and what God is doing in her own life.

In Small Talk, Amy Julia draws from the wisdom and curiosity of those young voices to reflect on beauty and kindness, tragedy and disability, prayer and miracles. As she moves through the basic questions her kids posed when they were very young to the more intellectual questions of later childhood, she invites us to learn from our own day-to-day conversations with the children in our lives.

This eloquent parenting memoir is about the big questions little hearts ask, the thoughts their words provoke, and the laughter and soul-searching their honesty brings—to adult and child alike.

One of my favorite stories in the book is one of when Amy was babysitting and her reflection upon Psalm 23 when David says "He MAKES me lay down..." Note my dots. Just like Amy says God doesn't stop with us there. He leads me, He restores me, and He guides me. But before any of that happens I have to rest and let God be God. Wow, again. 

Amy Julia Becker writes about faith, family, and disability for, the New York Times Motherlode blog,, The Huffington Post parents page, Christianity Today, The Christian century, and numerous other publications. Her first book, A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny, was named one of the Top Ten Religion Books of 2011 by Publishers Weekly. Amy Julia lives in western Connecticut with her husband and three children.

Follow her on Twitter here!
Check out her Facebook page here!

One of my blessed readers is going to receive their very own copy of this must read book. Who wants it? Just enter on the easy Rafflecopter entry form below.

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"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Clear Proof® Acne System by Mary Kay Review #ClearProof #VoxBox #Influenster

For a little over a month now my teen has been using the new  Clear Proof® Acne System by Mary Kay. My teen is a sweaty, stinky basketball player. And probably like any other teen does not like to wash his face. With the sweat, comes the acne. Not fun. Not attractive at all. And for an almost 14 year old boy a clear complexion is important. 

The Clear Proof® Acne System is a four step system:
  1. Clear Proof® Clarifying Cleansing Gel- He keeps this in his shower. The smell could be better, but the lather is awesome. A little goes a long way. It is great for the face, shoulders, neck and chest. 
  2. Clear Proof® Blemish Control Toner- The toner is a step that is easily forgotten by a teen. Not a lot was used in the 30 day testing process.
  3. Clear Proof® Acne Treatment Gel- From what I can tell this is just a repackage of the original Acne Treatment Gel from MK. Same formula. Same great results. A must for all ages if acne prone. 
  4. Clear Proof® Oil-Free Moisturizer for Acne-Prone Skin- Moisturizing is important. I moisturize daily. Telling your 13 year old son to moisturize is another story. This moisturizer is light, non greasy, and a little goes a long way. 

With just using the Clear Proof® Clarifying Cleansing Gel and Clear Proof® Acne Treatment Gel used consistently we I he can see a remarkable difference. I wish I could say that if he used all four products then maybe all acne would be gone. But four steps is just not going to work for my particular teenage boy. Sometimes even two is a struggle. 

Special thanks to my son for participating in this review and putting his face and skin in these pictures. He was really a great sport. 

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Disclosure: I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. I was not compensated monetarily for this post.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Very Pinteresting Christmas 2014 with The 4-Crow's Blog Link-Up Introduction

It's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas, but I want to enjoy Thanksgiving first. What about you? My lights on the house have been up for almost two weeks, and my tree up for almost a week. I promise though, my #1 rule is that no lights are turned on outside until Thanksgiving night!

Mark you calendars now and be sure to tune in during December as I bring you the third annual  "A Very Pinteresting Christmas" Link-up.  If you have any Pinterest inspired or worthy activities throughout the month, be sure to grab the button below and linkup your ideas!

I do have a few rules:
  • You can link up pretty much anything as long as you "created" it. (A Pinterest inspired/worthy food, craft or DIY project)
  • Keep it family friendly, I reserve the rights to delete any links that are not appropriate.
  • By linking up you are giving me permission to feature or show off your project! Of course I am going to link it back to you.
  • I would love if you linked back to my site and mentioned on your blog, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, G+, Instagram or any other social media site about the link-up. Help me spread the word please.
  • Comment. Comment love means so much to others and builds those blogging relationships. Visit 2-3 other links and leave them a nice, meaningful comment. Thanks!
"A Very Pinteresting Christmas" will be 15 days of Pinterest inspired food, fun, crafty days of linkups that all can be used during this wonderful season of joy. It will run from December 1-19 here at The 4-Crow's Blog. I hope you will join in on the fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with and your twists on the fun pins floating around.
Grab the button below and let's get ready to have A Very Pinteresting Christmas!


Think you will join in? RSVP below in the comments with your Pinterest URL. Be sure to follow me back!

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Elf on a Shelf 2014 Link- Up with The 4-Crow's Blog: The Introduction

Only one week away and Malia Peppermint Pattie and Charley our scout elves return from the North Pole. Two Thanksgivings ago The 4-Crow's were summoned by the doorbell and found a visitor from the North Pole. The visitor was nameless at the time, but soon became know as Malia Peppermint Pattie. 2011 was our first year to participate in The Elf on the Shelf Tradition. We didn't exactly have a "real" Elf on the Shelf, so I called our daily link up Elf on a Shelf. We had Charley, a 40+ year old Whitman's Chocolate Candy Elf given to us by Miss K's dance instructor Miss Pam.

It was that year that we hosted a daily link up where we asked our readers to show us the daily activities of their elf. In 2012 and 2013 we hosted a weekly link up, showcasing a full 7 days of elf fun. Our Charley, had to semi retire. He is still a part of our household, but because he is "vintage", I decided he no longer needed to be serving in any reindeer games. He is actually pictured in the above button, see his rips? You can read more about Charley here, also feel free to visit the last two years of linkups and see what kinds of fun our scouts have around our nest.

We absolutely LOVE this tradition, so much that we even get to occasionally blog for Elf on the Shelf. See our posts here and here.

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Won't you please grab the button below, link up, and play along once a week until December 26th? You can share seven pictures, a few, or just one of your favorite Elf moments/memories of the week. All you have to do is grab the button and put your blog link in the linkup form that I will provide each week. I look forward to seeing all of the Elf games and fun you are having!


As an added bonus this year and to help keep me a little more organized since I am now working two jobs from home, I have made myself an Elf on a Shelf Calendar. Feel free to use my ideas or print out the blank form for your own use.

Elf on a Shelf with The 4-Crow's 2014 will be posted the following Friday's, hope you join in!

November 28
December 5
December 12
December 19
December 26

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Tell Hyundai What You Think and #WIN a $100 TargetGiftcard! #Sponsored #Giveaway

Remember last week when I posted about the Hyundai's SMARTER DECISIONS Sonata 2015 Campaign? With an opportunity to win a $100 Target Gift Card. (there is still time to enter)

Here's another fantastic $100.00 Target giveaway bonus from Hyundai - they want to know what you think about their Hyundai Smarter campaign by commenting on their Smarter living videos. I watched all of them and let me just tell you these women are phenomenal.

Come on. What are you waiting for? Who doesn't need an extra $100 for Christmas shopping? Black Friday is only two weeks away my friends.

The links for these videos are in the easy Rafflecopter form below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Zeitghost Media. The 4-Crow's Blog will be compensated monetarily for this post. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Clarence the Nutcracker Turkey Disguise and Story by Miss K

Miss K's latest 2nd grade assignment was a Family Turkey Project. Attached to the instruction sheet was a paper turkey. We were to help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving by disguising him. We had to think of something unique or special to our family and disguise him accordingly.

These were the directions we had to follow:

  • Cut out the turkey.
  • Decide how to disguise him and have fun.
  • Return to school no later than November 14th.

We had a LOT of fun with this project. We used cardstock, glitter and paint to help disquise the turkey. Special thanks to this site for help on the nutcracker cutout. I had to reduce it in the copier to 75 percent of size, and then I actually used my cricut to cut out the face, nose and eyes (I can't cut a perfect circle even if a pattern is given to me.)

Miss K did a great job of cutting, pasting, and WRITING. Here is the story she had to write in the perspective of the turkey.

Hi! My name is Clarence. I am a turkey. I heard my farmer tell his kids that I am going to be Thanksgiving dinner. Yikes. I think I should run away and join the ballet.

My friend K is going to be in the Nutcracker this year. She is going to be a mouse. K loves nutcrackers. I will dress up like one and go to her practice. I need glitter, paint, a hat, a buckle, and a coat.

When Clarence went to Nutcracker practice with K, Miss Pam gave me the part of the Nutcracker. That is how I escaped Thanksgiving Day dinner.

Have you ever helped disguise a Turkey? What was the disguise?

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Hyundai's SMARTER DECISIONS Sonata 2015 Campaign! #Sponsored #TargetGiveaway

Hyundai reached out to a number of smart, savvy women to talk about the smarter decisions they make in their everyday lives. They asked them to create a video to coincide with this Fall's 2015 Sonata launch.

The Smarter Decisions campaign celebrates the lives and accomplishments of every day women. Women who are trend setters, game changers, women who are defining success in their own terms.

Take a look at the following YouTube video. BeautybyNena is a Latina YouTube Personality and Blogger that has over 60,000 followers. The video below is in English. I applaud her for being brave and getting out there to share her tips, tricks, and recommendations.

After you watch, go to the Rafflecopter giveaway below for a chance to win a $100 Target gift card.

What SMARTER DECISIONS are you making?

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Zeitghost Media. The 4-Crow's Blog will be compensated monetarily for this post. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment.