Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween at the Crow's.......
"BOO"ing Neighbors
I guess this is becoming a tradition in some neighborhoods and I completely forgot about it until my cousin Tonya reminded me this last weekend. There are so many things you can do with this, and since I already had 2 Halloween decorations that I got on clearance last year I decided to use hese instead of candy! ghost, I just used a sucker wrapped in kleenex and put its face on. Have fun if
you decide to "Boo" your neighbor, you can also google this and get other ideas. I'm not really sure how this played out, I did get "Boo"ed back, with my own decoration and some candy! Here is the poem I used to explain what "Boo"ing was!
You've Been Ghosted!
Late last night, we left you a treat.
The tradition is fun, one we hope you'll repeat.
Take the ghost and pin it on your door,
to let others know, you need ghosted no more.
Now it's your duty to pass on the surprise,
to two more families, we must advise.
Gather some treats or Halloween decorations and deliver them soon,
within two nights, under the light of the moon.
Include a ghost with each package you give,
along with this poem for the tradition to live.
Halloween Playdate!
Kaybrie & I met our friends Stacye & Faith for lunch today at Chic-Fil-A. We of course sat far away from the play area so that the girls would eat undistracted. The girl are about 6 weeks apart in age w/ Kaybrie being the oldest. Then, we let them play. Now this was Kaybrie's 2nd trip to the play area and she remember well climbing up high and going down the big kid slide w/ Braden. It did not take her long to find two "older" girls to help her! This was Faith's 1st visit and
she was ready to climb "up" the slide! The girls had lots of fun, and so did their Mommies, after lunch we shopped at Ulta & Kohl's.
Now, I will tell you what a small world or city we live in! Stacye & I met in March 2008 in the Stroller Workout, that Kaybrie & I were going to, too bad it now has ended! Throughout the summer, we went to lunch and started getting to know each other. Well, about a month ago, the subject came up about last names. Stacye immediately asked me if I knew Jason, Marc, & Betty. And of course, I'm married to Jason. Jason & her brother Steve were best friends in high school, so they all practically grew up together. Although I have heard lots about Steve, I have yet to meet him........but we are now friends w/ Stacye & Faith, this town just isn't big enough, Ha! Ha!

Now, I will tell you what a small world or city we live in! Stacye & I met in March 2008 in the Stroller Workout, that Kaybrie & I were going to, too bad it now has ended! Throughout the summer, we went to lunch and started getting to know each other. Well, about a month ago, the subject came up about last names. Stacye immediately asked me if I knew Jason, Marc, & Betty. And of course, I'm married to Jason. Jason & her brother Steve were best friends in high school, so they all practically grew up together. Although I have heard lots about Steve, I have yet to meet him........but we are now friends w/ Stacye & Faith, this town just isn't big enough, Ha! Ha!
Happy Birthday to my 'Lil Sister!
Little sister, nope, not at 6'2" tall! Definitely my younger sister by 5 years and 4 days. My baby sister is turning 29 today. Stephanie and her family live in my hometown. Stephanie and Jeff have 3 beautiful children. Jadyn(9), Cody(4), and Rowdy(2). Stephanie has the hardest job in the world! Domestic Engineer, or better known as a housewife. I really don't remember much about Stephanie when she wa
s born. I know that my brother bit her the day she came home from the hospital. And guess what, I think she still harbors resentment over that one! I do remember playing Barbie's and Doll's w/ her though:) I also remember beating her over the head w/ a telephone, and throwing dirt clods at her, but hey she was mean to me also. One time she put ketchup on a knife and brought it to me while I was in the shower telling me that she stabbed my brother! Talk about a horror! I guess that's what happens when you are born on Halloween. Happy Birthday Steph!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Carrie Underwood Concert 10/29/08
OMG! I actually got tickets to the Carrie Underwood concert. Jason & I enjoyed a nice dinner at The Spaghetti Warehouse and then we went to the concert. What a great B-Day present! Yes, I did go back to the BOK Center, and our seats were great, we were even able to see my friend Carrie O! Carrie Underwood is truly America's Sweetheart and Oklahoma's. Enjoy the slideshow of the pictures I took! She really is AWESOME! I love, love, love her!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
So, what did I do on my Birthday? It started out with a birthday card from my honey and then about 10 phone calls, lots of Happy Birthdays on my MySpace page, and of course hugs & kisses from my kids. Jason said that I was just like my MIL w/ the calls and then my plans for lunch, instead of the "old hens" club, I am a part of the "hot momma chicks" club! What a compliment.
Kaybrie and I met Carrie T, Justin, Stacye, & Faith for lunch at Broken Arrow's newest Tea Room, "The Polka Dot Place", located at 81st & 145th! Yummy and oh so Cute! It is definitely a girly place, with the most wonderful mini quiches and salads. We loved it! It is so fun getting together w/ girlfriends!
After football practice, my MIL made dinner for me and gave me the sweetest card. We had steak, baked potatoes, salad and birthday apple pie. It was awesome! I had a great B-Day! Thanks to everyone for my gifts, cards, calls and just plain spending time w/ me!
Kaybrie and I met Carrie T, Justin, Stacye, & Faith for lunch at Broken Arrow's newest Tea Room, "The Polka Dot Place", located at 81st & 145th! Yummy and oh so Cute! It is definitely a girly place, with the most wonderful mini quiches and salads. We loved it! It is so fun getting together w/ girlfriends!
After football practice, my MIL made dinner for me and gave me the sweetest card. We had steak, baked potatoes, salad and birthday apple pie. It was awesome! I had a great B-Day! Thanks to everyone for my gifts, cards, calls and just plain spending time w/ me!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me & My Brother Jason!
No, we are not twins, and yes, I am the oldest of three children. Today I am 34 and Jason is, oh my, the big 30!
I am so proud of my "little"brother. "Little" is kind of an understatement, I should say younger. Jason is 6'5" compared to my 5'9". Anyway, my brother has a beautiful wife, and 4 gorgeous kids. He is the pastor at Marsden Baptist Church, a small community church southwest of Ardmore, OK. Jason is currently finishing up his bachelor's degree, and has recently decided to join "The Southern Oklahoma Rednecks" a minor league football team. Of course being the sister I am, I was very concerned about a 30 year old man w/ a family and a multitude of other
responsibilites playing football. Well, this past Saturday, I crashed his practice! (no one, not even his wife has been allowed to attend practice) My moma, sister, and I decided he needed some water and we loaded up and went to Healdton to find him. We went to 4 different places before we finally tracked him down. And there he was in full pads and helmet commanding the defense, looking good. It reminded me of his high school days, only he is a little heavier and several years older. His best friend Billy was also there. I guess I have come to the conclusion, if a bunch of "has been's,
still wanna be" men want to play, let them! Happy Birthday "Little" Brother, I love you!

Birthday Weekend
Anyone who knows me knows that I always go to Moma & Daddy's house for a weekend either before or after my b-day to celebrate mine & my brother & sisters b-day. What, you ask? Yes, My brother was born on my 4th birthday, and my sister was born 4 days after my 5th birthday. I of course don't remember much
about Stephanie (my sister), other than Jason (my brother), biting her when she came home from the hospital, he was only one years old! I, of course, remember everything about my baby brother. I got him, a tutu, and my ears pierced that birthday, I was one lucky girl!
Anyway, we went to Wilson on Friday the 24th. Daddy & Moma took us to eat at a restaurant in Tishomingo called "The Fish Place", AWESOME FOOD! On Saturday the kids played outside all day. My sister, moma and I went shopping for flowers and tracked down my brother at his football practice (more later), and then we went to a Fall Festival at Marsden Baptist Church where my brother is the pastor. We all dressed up, and the kids played games and got lots of treats. The congregation makes sure that all of the children win a cake in the cake walk, win candy w/ every game, and get a bottle of pop as well! This is really neat and what a great way to share God w/ the community! On Sunday, Moma made lunch and then we left at 1PM, after stopping 3 times on the way home, we finally arrived home around 5PM, boy were we tir
ed, but I had a great B-Day weekend w/ my family!
Friday, October 24, 2008
HSM 3-Midnight Showing
With the temperatures starting to dip into the low 50's and the wind chill feeling like 10 below, we decided that Kaybrie could stay w/ Grandma during the game last night. (more on the sleepover later) Anyway, Jason and I checked out the movie listings and surprised Braden w/ a 10PM trip to Taco Bell, an 11PM visit to Wal-Mart, and then a 12:01AM showing of High School Musical 3! There were so many teenagers in the theater, what happened to curfew? The movie was great, a little cheesy in some places, but overall, the choreography was awesome and those actors really have great chemistry! We got home at 2:30AM and went straight to bed! You are probably wondering why Braden wasn't at home in bed preparing for school, we are heading out of town to my parents for my B-Day weekend, so I opted to take him out of school.
Steelers steal Victory 34-26!
Braden had his last game of the season last night. His team won 2nd place overall in the league! This was really an awesome game! I am so proud of all the boys! Now we are preparing for the Tournament, watch out Cowboys.........
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Update on Flag Football
The BA Steelers are now standing with a 6-1 record, with only one game left before the tournament. Last night Braden's team played the Sharks. Braden scored the first touchdown! He was so pumped! He has a new nickname "The B-Man"! It is really cute, he came up with it himself. We have always called him "B" or "B-ster" and of course Kaybrie calls him "Bubba", which I absolutely detest! Anyway this new name must be a real motivator for him, I guess it makes him tough and fearless. Thursday night's game is against the Titan's who are tied with the Steelers for second in the league. So, as you can imagine, the team is getting ready for a huge victory, and then we'll be ready to take on the Cowboy's again in the Tournament to win 1st place. We'll see........
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
As I told you in a previous blog entry, Fall is my favorite time of year! One way you can tell is by the amount of pictures I take and by the amount of batteries I use! Today we went ahead and made a family trip to the pumpkin patch. This would be our last opportunity to take Braden before Halloween, with school and being out of town next weekend. This makes Braden's 8th annual visit and Kaybrie's 2nd annual visit. We visited PumpkinTown at 81st and Mingo in Tulsa. The kids had a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy the slideshow!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Arkansas- Fall Break Day 3 & 4
On Friday we took our annual trip to Dardanelle, Arkansas. This little town is where my MIL grew up with her two brothers and three sisters. We love the drive down the Muskogee turnpike to I-40 west into Arkansas, it is absolutely beautiful this time of year. When we arrived we went to see Mamaw Crow, Jason's 92 year old grandmother. She was so excited to see the kids, they just bring so much joy to her face. Kaybrie went right to her. They couldn't wait to get the sack of toys out of the closet, and Mamaw couldn't wait to see the toys scattered around everywhere. She says that when you get older you miss having kids around to make messes........Hmmm!
On Friday night we went with Uncle Elbert and my MIL Betty to this wonderful Chinese buffet in Dardanelle. Then we visited w/ Aunt Bonnie and then went back to Uncle Elbert's to sleep.
The next morning, we loaded up and went to Mount Nebo State Park, so beautiful. Kaybrie had absolutely no fear! Braden couldn't be still and couldn't climb enough! Saturday afternoon we headed out to the old homeplace to Uncle Elbert's barn to have the family picnic. The food was wonderful and lots of people were there. We got to see my MIL's other two sisters Aunt Katie and Aunt Mary Lee and her brother Uncle Rueben. Uncle Elbert has a collection of antique cars & John Deere Tractors, a new hobby of Quail raising, horses, donkeys, and a beautiful doll collection that had belonged to his wife. It is great to see such a wonderful family all together and it is even more awesome to be a part of it!
On Friday night we went with Uncle Elbert and my MIL Betty to this wonderful Chinese buffet in Dardanelle. Then we visited w/ Aunt Bonnie and then went back to Uncle Elbert's to sleep.
The next morning, we loaded up and went to Mount Nebo State Park, so beautiful. Kaybrie had absolutely no fear! Braden couldn't be still and couldn't climb enough! Saturday afternoon we headed out to the old homeplace to Uncle Elbert's barn to have the family picnic. The food was wonderful and lots of people were there. We got to see my MIL's other two sisters Aunt Katie and Aunt Mary Lee and her brother Uncle Rueben. Uncle Elbert has a collection of antique cars & John Deere Tractors, a new hobby of Quail raising, horses, donkeys, and a beautiful doll collection that had belonged to his wife. It is great to see such a wonderful family all together and it is even more awesome to be a part of it!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fall Break- Day 2
What a beautiful Fall day! Who can doubt that God planned the seasons so well! The leaves are turning, there is a crispness in the air, its Awesome! I met S,D, & J from Bible study at Chic-Fil-A. What a great place to meet w/ kids, and the breakfast
food was wonderful! After that, Jason decided that we needed to take the family to the Tulsa Zoo. It was lots of fun. It was Kaybrie's 1st visit, and she was in awe with the animals beckoning them to come to her and not understanding why they wouldn't. Of course Braden has been about 5 times now, but he always finds an adventure at the zoo. Check out the pics:)!
The Mom I Want to Be........Bible Study update
I know, I know, I haven't really blogged lately about my Bible's just that the first few chapters "get the junk out of the trunk" as my study leader "S" says. And then, the next few chapters deal with forgiveness, not exactly something that I can put into writing on a public blog, but bear with me and know that I am growing.....Not sure if anyone read my comments on the previous blog, but the author of the book left a comment. Whoa, you talk about a God "thing"! God definitely places people into our lives to reassure us that we are in the right place at the right time. Suzie (that's what she goes by), will be visiting our Women's Bible Study at The Church at BattleCreek on Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 9:30 AM! Our study group is really excited. We now have 4 ladies involved. S, D, J and me! Now, of course I can't end this blog entry without sharing something from the book that hit me, so here it is.......and believe me, it hit me hard.
from page 72:
1. Never wait to say you're sorry. My comment: better said than done. I'll work on this.
2. Don't delay in accepting what God offers so freely to you. My comment: look at what God has given me......Love, Life, Everlasting Life, Grace, a beautiful family, a home, accept what I have and don't look for more.
3. Believe that miracles can happen in your heart and life in spite of the past. My comment: What a powerful statement. I am worthy of miracles happening to!
4. It's never, ever too late. My comment: Forgiveness can always be there, it just takes a heart of God, and remembering that Forgiving is not Forgetting, that is how we learn.
from page 72:
1. Never wait to say you're sorry. My comment: better said than done. I'll work on this.
2. Don't delay in accepting what God offers so freely to you. My comment: look at what God has given me......Love, Life, Everlasting Life, Grace, a beautiful family, a home, accept what I have and don't look for more.
3. Believe that miracles can happen in your heart and life in spite of the past. My comment: What a powerful statement. I am worthy of miracles happening to!
4. It's never, ever too late. My comment: Forgiveness can always be there, it just takes a heart of God, and remembering that Forgiving is not Forgetting, that is how we learn.
Happy Birthday "Aunt" Tonya!
Today is my cousin Tonya's birthday! My kids call her "Aunt" Tonya. I won't tell you her age, but I will tell you that her and I are the same age for the next 10 days. Tonya and I grew up together even tho
ugh we lived two hours from each other. She lived on a dairy farm near the Red River. We had a lot of fun running around the farm, riding bikes, swinging on grapevines and 4 wheelers. Growing up together, we played house, read books, talked about boys and dreamed big dreams together! She is a school teacher and is now pursuing her masters. Yay Tonya! Yesterday, she forwarded me this self portrait of her new haircut! Cute huh? She informed me that is was HOT! and SEXY! I couldn't agree you Tonya!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall Break- Day 1
Braden hosted his 1st sleepover last night! I have to admit, it went really well. William came over with 2 backpacks and a guitar. Okay, so being the woman I am, I understand lots of bags, but this is a 9 year old boy. What did he possibly need to bring to stay 1 night? Clothes in 1 bag, video game equipment in the other. Hmm, now I understand. The boys played PS 2 until 9 PM. Then I pulled in Kaybrie's mattress to Braden's room for Braden to sleep on, letting William have Braden's bed. Today, we had to get up early. My kids had flu shots scheduled at 8:30 AM, and then we had planned a playdate at the pumpkin patch, but it ended up being rained out. So we went to IHOP and then came home. The boys continued to alternate playing outside w/ bikes and playing inside with the video games, throughout the day. This is a great friendship, William is the son of Jason's best friend Tom. They grew up a few houses from each other and also enjoyed sleepovers and terrorizing the neighborhood! Braden can't wait to do it again!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lucky Pop-Tart is going to be framed....
Well, Guess what? Arkansas pulled it off. A 25-22 victory over Auburn. Was it the Pop-Tart? Wonder what specials Hobby Lobby runs on framing Pop-Tarts?
Pop-Tarts: Could it be the Breakfast of Champions?
The breakfast of choice for the Crow Family, primarily Jason, is Pop-Tarts! I know, I know not a healthy choice and his doctor would die, but telling a 38 year old man what to eat.........I don't go there! Anyway when I bought groceries this week, Pop-Tarts were on the list, with Jason's writing specifically telling me "no strawberry". So, I found the only brown sugar they had. They all have college logos on them, and the box showed the Razorback. I got two boxes. Well, finally today, we found our "Hog". Could this be a sign? Could the Razorbacks possibly beat a ranked Auburn? Well, we have placed our Pop-Tart in a baggy, uneaten for fear of bad luck! We'll see........
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Proof is in the Pad......
So, lately I have been pulled to the infomercial for the "Shark" steam mop. I seem to catch it every time it comes on. Well, I finally ordered it! Shipping, handling, 6pads, and the carpet glider, I only paid $103.75. I justified it as an early birthday present, safer for the environment, safer for Kaybrie (she was always slipping on my tile after I mopped), and whoa, it will get my grout clean! Well, it finally arrived yesterday. I couldn't wait to
use my new appliance! Jason was home w/a bad migraine yesterday and he was like, do you have to use it today. Well, of course, I've never known him to get a new video game and not play it immediately. Oh, the difference between men & women! So I put my "Shark" together by myself (easy) and I used it first in my kitchen. Now, the pictures I am posting are rated "F" for filthy, so don't think bad of me. I really am a good housekeeper, but I guess the steam really does lift residue left behind by a sponge mop! Well day 1 is complete for my 60 day free trial, and I think I will be keeping the mop!
Friday, October 3, 2008
October is here.........
Yay!, my favorite month of the year besides December. Maybe because it is mine and my siblings birth month (which I will definitely blog more about later), maybe it is because we can finally get out all of our fall decorations, or maybe it is just because we get to wear "fun" clothes and put away our summer attire! Whatever it is, you can be sure that the Crow household is in the spirit of the season! Keep posted, because there will be lots more pics throughout the month!
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