So, I found a new diet secret for me this week. Don't work out and I will lose weight. Yeah, right;)! I wasn't able to work out last week, due to Kaybrie being sick and the bad weather. Anyway, I'm down 2 more lbs, for a total weight loss of 5.6lbs. I'll get back in the swing of things next week with exercise, I promise!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl!
I think as a little girl, I always envisioned myself as being a Mommy to a precious little girl. I had given up on this idea after I had Braden. But, God had other plans. Little did I know that 6 yrs after I had given birth to my beautiful baby boy, God was going to bless me with a sweet, little, beautiful, baby girl. Now don't get me wrong, Braden will always be my baby boy, and there is nothing like being a Mommy to him, but he'd really look funny in hair bows, makeup, tutu's, dresses, tights, and playing with baby dolls.......I really needed a GIRL!
I worked all during my pregnancy with Kaybrie, in my chosen career of banking. Yes, I was an officer and an Assistant Branch Manger of The Bank of Oklahoma. Lot's of grueling hours, bank robberies (4 during my 10 year career), staffing shortages, oh, and lots of other gripes and complaints, and yes, many rewards, but something happened when I held that sweet little girl. I knew I was headed down a new career path: A Stay At Home Mommy or SAHM for short. I needed to be with my two babies, I was missing out on activities, awards assemblies, PTA, volunteering, HomeRoom Mom, and playdates. Yes, my new little baby girl was the deciding factor in my newfound career. One child was okay to work around a schedule, so I thought, but two, no way, no can do, or will do! I found out quickly that I was missing to many things, and that my babies would grow up and what would I have to show, but a paycheck, and a notable career, and besides that if the need arises, I can go back to work! So the decision was made, after many hours of debate and discussion between Jason & I. I became a SAHM, the hardest job I've ever had!
Kaybrie was born January 31, 2007 at 4:40 PM. She weighed 7lb8oz and was 19 inches long. The picture below is her 1st official picture. It is a little graphic, but any mother will understand perfectly why it is my favorite.
This beautiful angel, is truly a gift from God. And such a Daddy's girl. Oh, and I have to tell you her big brother, Braden, is pretty much her world! She loves bossing him around, making him play in her room, playing with him outside, and she does not let him help her do anything! The next picture is Kaybrie's 1st birthday.
Look Mom, I'm messy!
Kaybrie's favorite activities: Playing baby dolls, she is such a little Mommy,watching Sprout, especially Nina & Star, playing with her BFF's, Carlee, Cydnee, Justin, Faith, Reiley, & Emery, going to gymnastics, working out w/ Mom, drinking Sonic apple slushes, eating pizza and grapes, taking her hair bows out, and going to church to learn about Jesus. Oh, almost forgot going to Grandma's House and Nana & Papa's House!
Kaybrie has been sick this week, with RSV, Croup & an ear infection. We had to cancel her party, so we kept her birthday simple, with only Grandma coming over. The next picture, was taken today, Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweetheart! I love you!
Kaybrie with her "purse" b-day cake. Mommy made it!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Meet Hush. Yes, Hush the Fish!
Meet the newest addition to the Crow Household. Hush the Fish. Hush was officially adopted into our household on December 29, 2008. He was a birthday gift to Braden from his Nana. Why the name Hush? Well, on PBS Kid's Sprout (Kaybrie's favorite channel), Star & Nina say goodnight to "Hush" the fish. Over the past few weeks, I did not think Hush was very happy. Today, I put him into a new bowl and I swear, I saw him smile and saw his fins fan out and he started exploring his new home. Before he was in one of those plant vases that concave in the middle, you know, the ones they sell next to the Beta's at Wal-Mart. Hush is the only pet in the Crow Household. Hopefully, he will have many "fish" lives with us!
Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful....
Here we go again. Another ice storm. Why can't we get snow? Our kids have to sled on the ice. It is still sleeting and drizzling freezing rain, but not nearly as bad as the "Ice Storm of 2007", when millions were out of power for up to 30 days. Praise God we were only without power for about 10 hours. Trees were split, limbs down, trees toppled, it looked like a tornado came through. Here are a few pics from last year.

And here are a few shots from this year.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy 54th Birthday, Moma!
Belinda Kay Tomlinson-Williams, born, January 25, 1955 to Franklin & Madie Tomlinson, Atoka, Oklahoma. Today is my Moma's 54th birthday, but let me tell you, she looks like my older sister! Proverbs 31: 10-31 describes my Moma! A Virtuous Woman. I especially like verses 25-31.
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at her future
She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and bless her; her husband also, and he praises her, saying: "Many daughters have done noble, but you excel them all."
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Giver her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
My Moma is the 6th of 8 children. She did not have an easy life growing up, she had to work in the fields to help her parents, but I think that she did have some fun, I've been told that she could cuss like a sailor (good thing she grew out of that)! Now, I'm sure there are many things that she is not proud of, but there are many things she should be! For one, she was the first in her family to get a high school diploma-while also getting Valedictorian of her class. Two, she has been married to the same man, for almost 36 years (God Bless Her). Thirdly, she has 3 wonderful children. ShaRhonda (me), who was the first grandchild to get a college diploma, had a 10 year banking career, and now is a SAHM. Jason, my brother, the pastor in southern Oklahoma who just received his college degree, and my sister, Stephanie who is a SAHM as well and blessed my parents with the 1st grandchild in 1999. Fourthly, my Moma is a Nana to nine grandchildren with one on the way! She is the most wonderful Nana in the world. She plays with the kids, helps them climb trees, has tea parties, watches movies with them, plays ball with them, and oh, did I forget spoils them rotten while making them mind!
In her spare time, my Moma loves working in her yard. And what a yard it is! 5 acres! But she only keeps 3 acres of it up with flowers, plants, trees, shrubs, water pond, bird sanctuary, and cactus garden! I must say, I do admire her love for nature and being outside. I myself, did not get that virtue from her!
I can only remember one time in my teenage years that I hurt her, and boy did I hurt her, not only physically in a rage for control, but mostly I broke her heart! Yes, I suppose all children will hurt their mother in one way or the other, I pray that mine will not.
My Moma....the woman who gave birth to me, the woman who nurtured me, who fixed my boo boos, who helped me excel through school, who was there for me during my darkest relationship, the woman who was there when I gave birth to my beautiful babies, the woman who is now my best friend, the woman that I want to become......I love you Moma, Happy Birthday!

Weight Loss Journey- Week 3
I am about to give up! I watch the "Biggest Loser", and get all pumped up , they lose in double digits, why can't I? I did go in the right direction with another loss, but I agree with Glenna at The Treadway Treehouse, what is .2lbs? My total is now 3.6lbs lost. At this rate, Mexico will probably be the 51st State before I get there!
And now for a great story. Last night while at a birthday party, I had a piece of cake and 1/2 C of Lite Braum's vanilla ice cream, and what does my son ask in front of everyone? "Mom, is that on Weight Watchers?", I smile and say, "Yes, Braden, thank you for watching, and yes, I will count my points!" Everyone rolled w/ laughter!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
And now for a great story. Last night while at a birthday party, I had a piece of cake and 1/2 C of Lite Braum's vanilla ice cream, and what does my son ask in front of everyone? "Mom, is that on Weight Watchers?", I smile and say, "Yes, Braden, thank you for watching, and yes, I will count my points!" Everyone rolled w/ laughter!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Strawberry DeLIGHT
Today for our MOPS group I made Strawberry DeLIGHT. My cousin and BFF, Tonya gave me this recipe. If you cut it into 12 pieces, it is 2pts on Weight Watchers. Today I placed 24 strawberries on it and made it 1pt/piece. Easy Recipe! Jason even liked the leftovers!
1 premade Angel Food Cake
1 large pkg Strawberry Sugar Free Jello
1 container of Sugar Free Cool Whip
Crumble Cake in 9x12 pan. Mix Jello as directed. Pour Jello over cake. Place in the refrigerator until it sets up. Then top w/ cool whip and strawberries. Yummy!
If the Shoe fits......
Stacye's Jimmy Choo's, Aren't they gorgeous!
"It doesn’t matter what you are wearing – if you have good shoes and a good bag, you’ll look right”. Tamara Mellon, President and Founder – Jimmy Choo.
You know, I like that quote. This may sound a little modest compared to the rest of my story, but I used to wear Old Navy flip flops all the time. I have them in every color, you know the one's, 2 for $5! Well, I bought me a pair of Nike flip flops at the end of the summer, yeah I could have bought 10 pairs of the ON flip flops for the original price of these, but oh my, the comfort is heavenly.
My friend Stacye recently took a getaway to Las Vegas w/ her hubby and some friends! She got her Christmas present while she was there. Now this is something she has been wanting for a while. And they were on sale, and her husband went into the store first. When she told us ( her best chica's) about them, we were like, we want to see them, take a pic! Classic Black, 4 1/2 inch heels, do I have your attention? Now Stacye did learn a valuable lesson. Don't try on the shoes after you have been walking in Vegas. Her feet were swollen, leading her to get a larger size that needed. They come in, I guess, metric sizing. She had to send them back and wait to get her precious baby's! Well, she has now wore them 2x, sent me a pic, and she, "looks right"! Talk about a! I love you Stacye!

Today: History, My Insight

This entry is for my children. History was made today. In November 2008, our nation elected to the greatest office in the United States, Barack Obama. Mr. Obama took the oath of Presidency today, January 20, 2009. President Obama is the 44th President to our great nation. He is also the first African-American to take this position. Over 2 million people attended this historical event. I am not going to lie to you, our new president was not my choice. However, I support the office, and I will be honest with you, I saw and heard things today out of the mouth of our new president that I liked. He has a very tough job ahead of him. Our economy, jobs, military and health care will become his first focuses. Regardless of who holds this office, I will support him/her with prayer. God already knows what is going to happen. God always has been, is, and will be! Therefore, I will continue to place my faith in my heavenly Father, and pray for God's wisdom to be carried out through the actions of President Barack Obama. May God bless and keep safe, him, his wife, and two beautiful girls!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Weight Loss Journey: Week 2
Week 2: I did very well. I worked out 4 days this week. Did not eat my activity or 35 allowance points. I weighed in today and I lost 2.6lbs. That is a total weight loss in this Journey of 3.4lbs! I have been told that the slower you lose, the better, but I really want a 5lb week!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Fabulous Blog Award

I finally got my first Blog Award! I am so proud of it.Thanks LizzyDear'sLife!
The rules of this award are to list my five addictions, and then pass it on. So here are my addictions and in no particular order:
1. Route 44 Sonic Diet Coke w/extra ice and diet Cherry syrup.
2. Talking on the Cell Phone.
3. Blogging, I love it!
4. Eating out, no wonder I need to lose a couple of ten pounds!5 . Not staying at home, I have to go constantly, i.e. working out, errands, etc.
I now pass this along to (and tag) Glenna at Welcome to the Treadway Treehouse, Carrie at Tillman4, Carrie at Oharamom, Jennifer at 3Gals&AGuy. These are very Fabulous Blogs that I love reading!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
If You Get a Chance.....
Check out my SIL's newest blog-Lizzy Dear's Life Review's she is way deep into these blogging contests and contacts! She has won many things, and is now reviewing and actually hosting giveaways. She currently has 3 Awesome Giveaways out there: See Kai Run shoes, Layers clothing, and a Smart Shopper device. Go to the above link & check out her reviews and WIN!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hoops, Anyone?

Braden participates in a league called the Upward Program. This is a Christian based league that desires to reach kids through Christ, by using sports such as basketball, football and cheerleading. I am very, very impressed with this program. The kids have a devotion time during each practice, where they have an opportunity to earn a star by reciting a memory verse assigned the previous week. The games consists of introductions of each player, prayer before the game, two 18 minute halves, where each child is rotated in and out every 6 minutes, at half time, an Upward player recites the memory verse aloud over the microphone, and after the game, each team huddles and the coach hands out recognition stars to each player. Braden recieved a star at the first game for great rebounds! Yay, Braden!

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Weight Loss Journey: Week 1
Weigh in Day, Week 1: Lost .8lbs. Well, that is almost 1 lb! I honestly did very well this week. I tracked each day. I never ate over my point allowance for the day, and I worked out 4 days this week! So, why did I not lose more? I guess the point is...I lost and did not gain!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Friday, January 9, 2009
A Miracle Happened Today....
Today I had a "girl's" day! My friend Angie & I met early this morning to finish up her shopping before her baby boy arrived next Friday. Our plans included hitting Woodland Hills mall, grabbing lunch, and getting a pedicure. We have teased back & forth about how to actually get her contractions going and the above three were on the list. Well, we shopped at Motherhood, JCPenney's, Gymboree (we finished birthday shopping for both of our daughters), and Children's Place. Then we had a very nice lunch at Olive Garden. Angie had called the doctor's office during lunch about a concern. Needless to say, we did not get our pedicures, but we did get a wonderful miracle this evening..........Isn't our Creator AMAZING!

Hayden Kristopher
DOB 1-9-09
9lbs 7oz
21 inches
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I Want Crow's- 4 of Them!
I have entered a blog makeover contest. For those that follow me, you know that I am always adding & changing my blog around. Well, my SIL found this contest at For the Love of Baby. For the Love...uses ABOG Designs for her header and button! Both sites are very cool! Don't forget to stop by and enter! Also, my SIL will be hosting her own contest soon, so make sure you start following her as fun! Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to do all of this neat stuff!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year. New Me? We'll See!
I certainly hope and pray so. I work out a minimum of two times per week. Walking, core excercises, gab time w/ girlfriends, and yes, usually 2x per week we go to lunch...and forget about Subway, its Mazzios, Chili's, CiCi's or El Chico. Since May I have gained 20lbs, yes, I stopped breastfeeding, did a Bahama Cruise, have changed birth control 3x, upped my Zoloft to 150mg/day, been on two steroid packs, and I definitely have had no stress in the husband "job" area ;)! Excuses, Excuses...I just like to EAT!
Well, yesterday I did something about it: I joined Weight Watchers for the 3rd time in my adult life. 1st time, I lost really well and then got kicked out because I got pregnant. Gained 40lbs w/ Kaybrie and for some reason she only weight 7lbs 8oz of that weight. 2nd time, I joined when Kaybrie was 6 weeks old, that was a failure. I couldn't eat all of my points. Yeah, Yeah, when you are breast feeding you are supposed to eat 10 more points than a non-breastfeeder, and all I did was maintain. That is no fun. So, now my 3rd time, and I weigh more than ever before. I want to lose 39lbs. Yep, 39lbs. I am 5'9" and yes, I carry my weight well, but I really want to be down to 160lbs, healthy is 169lbs. So, I am going to post each week how I am doing. I am going to be honest with my readers when I lose and when I gain. Don't be surprised if its short and sweet. I am going to reward myself as I lose, and they are gonna be some good rewards. Now, please be supportive, don't use your math skills to figure out my weight, please just cheer me on!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Well, yesterday I did something about it: I joined Weight Watchers for the 3rd time in my adult life. 1st time, I lost really well and then got kicked out because I got pregnant. Gained 40lbs w/ Kaybrie and for some reason she only weight 7lbs 8oz of that weight. 2nd time, I joined when Kaybrie was 6 weeks old, that was a failure. I couldn't eat all of my points. Yeah, Yeah, when you are breast feeding you are supposed to eat 10 more points than a non-breastfeeder, and all I did was maintain. That is no fun. So, now my 3rd time, and I weigh more than ever before. I want to lose 39lbs. Yep, 39lbs. I am 5'9" and yes, I carry my weight well, but I really want to be down to 160lbs, healthy is 169lbs. So, I am going to post each week how I am doing. I am going to be honest with my readers when I lose and when I gain. Don't be surprised if its short and sweet. I am going to reward myself as I lose, and they are gonna be some good rewards. Now, please be supportive, don't use your math skills to figure out my weight, please just cheer me on!
189=5%= Something from Victoria's Secret, okay a new bra
180=10%= New Clothes
175= Night out w/ girls-controlled of course
170= Flip Video Recorder
165= New Wardrobe-because there is a trip coming up soon! Definitely cute jeans from the Buckle!
160= Trip to Mexico, location TBD
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Pride of Broken Arrow appears in Rose Bowl Parade!
Yay! BA, you looked sharp!! My niece Ashley is somewhere in this video amongst the other 200+ members. What a great honor and a once in a lifetime opportunity! Congrats Pride!
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