Sunday, June 7, 2009

Start It Out Right Sunday- Introduction & Week 1

How do you participate in Start It Out Right Sunday's? Please email The4Crow's, you'll be added as a reader then just play along. All you have to do is grab the button, sign Mr. Linky (hopefully it will work), and share in your blog post how you are gonna Start It Out Right, it can be from the Sermon at Church, the diet you will start, the house you will clean, the amends you will make, just anything to get to Start IT Out Right! Have fun playing along, I look forward to reading each week!

I am a Christian! I am proud to tell each and every one of my readers that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I am NOT a preacher, although I am happy to say that my little 6'6" brother has been one now for almost 3 years...I'm not perfect, I have to be honest, every now and then a four letter word does come out of my mouth and I'll even tell you the word-S**T, I really like to say it when I stub my toe to the point it feel like you have broken it! LOL!

My one year blogoversary is coming up soon. During this time of blogging I have met many friends and have learned many tricks. I still have lots to learn, like I made the above button, but how do I get the html box below it? I love the different and unique ways of doing "things" around the blogospere especially the "Meme's". I've researched around and could not find the title "Start It Out Right Sunday", so if you do find it, I apologize deeply and prayerfully ask that no one sue me, because really I am poor, husband is currently unemployed and currently all we have is the roof over our head and two beautiful kids, oh we have Jesus-you can have Him!

So, why the name, Start It Out Right Sunday? Sunday is the 1st day of the week. The
first thing we do on Sunday mornings, or should, as Christians is go to church to hear God's Word and Worship our King! For me, if I don't do this, my entire week is shot to pieces! Once I've gotten The Word, I can then make plans for the entire week and get things done! This is gonna be kind of like a grocery list for us to plan our week on what we want to accomplish and a post for us to reflect back on to see what we really did accomplish, it can also be a time for us to put our inspirational thoughts down for our friends and family to read, you all have these thoughts, whether religious or not! This can be anything you want to put down that gives you an opportunity to get your week Started Out Right, and you never know, you might just make someone's day or week! I look forward to reading your posts and so does everyone else!

My Start It Out Right Sunday is like this. Started the week Out Right by going to church this morning, fantastic sermon in Ephesians 1:3-14 with an ending/beginning on not losing Your First Love! God is Most Worthy! Regardless of what is going on, we should Praise Him, for He poured out His kindness, He Chose us, He adopted us (can't be undone), He game us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee that He will give us all He promised! With that said, Braden will be going to VBS this week and it just so happens that where he is going is where I work out so, guess who will be working out 5 days this is that for my Start It Out Right Sunday? Can't wait to ready yours! Have a great week!


Liz said...

I joined in! Great Idea. :-)

Unknown said...

you are so Inspirational ShaRhonda!!!

Megan said...

how creative of you! your hubby still on the job hunt huh? your in my prayers that something great will come along fast! : )

Serena said...

Love it!! I just love reading your blog!! You inspire me....Thanks!! :)