Saturday, December 1, 2012

Are You a Math Ninja? IMN ZERO App Launch Dec 2- FREE for the Day!

Tomorrow is the launch date of a new app called Ice Math Ninja: Zero!
I personally am very excited about the release of this app in the iTunes store, not only because not only is it a fantabulous game of math skills, but because take a look at the credits and you might see a familiar name as a tester!

Last April, I introduced my readers to Pookie and Tushka by Jorge. You can read more about them and their adventures in this post. When Pers contacted me in early October and asked me if I would be interested in beta-testing their new game. I jumped at the chance. I've never tested an app before. Let me just tell you, this has been a very interesting, educational and mind challenging test event. It's crazy how you lose your math skills at the age of 38- LOL! I was particularly involved in the game Ice Factor. My suggestions were:

"Jorge, honestly numbers up to 100 might be good. My daughter who is in kindergarten is working on her count masters medal now. They have to say their 1's, 5's and 10's to 100 and 2's to 20 by May (when she finishes kindergarten). Being able to stay in a particular factor longer might just help reinforce that particular learning skill."

My suggestions were taken and I cannot wait to get the non-test version on my phone tomorrow. I hope that all of my readers will join in on my excitement. I firmly believe that learning can be fun and rewarding, and this game is all that and more!

Be sure to download the Ice Math Ninja: Zero game tomorrow, December 2, while its free and become a Math Ninja like Me!

About the Author/Designer:
Jorge (Jorge Antonio Tello Aliaga) is writer and illustrator born and raised in Lima, PerĂº. His year of experience include designing award winning educational children's software and being a design manager at the world's largest graphic software company. He enjoys writing, drawing, composing, programming, cooking (peruvian food), and speaking English (with a cool accent!).

Even as youngster, Jorge dreamed of publishing children's books. His other dreams include designing toys, creating a sci-fi/fantasy magazine, making cartoons, producing movies, building a theme park, becoming president of PerĂº, and achieving world peace (if time permits).

His name is Spanish for George and it is pronounced "HOR-heh"

Be sure to follow Pers Corporation on Facebook  and Ice Math Ninjia on Facebook to get all the latest news and developments on new games, books, etc. The official Facebook invite for the launch can be found here. If you will, please rate the app (positively) once you download! Let me know what you think!

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1 comment:

Pers Corp said...

Thank you so much for the article, ShaRhonda! :)
And thank you for helping us with the testing and giving us great ideas to improve the game!!!