Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Very Pinteresting Christmas Day 12: Christmas Potpourri


All over Pinterest you see the stove top Christmas Potpourri- cranberries, cinnamon, orange peels, but not one pin is the same on how to make this "potpourri".  Everyone adds their own touch and amount. Maybe that's why it's called potpourri. It's whatever you pour in the pot. So I decided to just do that. I ate/peeled a few oranges. I found a few cinnamon sticks. I even bought some fresh cranberries this year as a garnish for a drink I made for the Pinterest Party. Then I added water and brought to a boil, then a simmer. The sauce pan I used is tiny, but gave off a fantabulous smell. 

I posted this picture on Facebook, and everyone wanted me to share. It is PRETTY, y'all! 

I had to place a warning that this was to be inhaled, not ingested.  It also last a few days. Enjoy!
And yes, I might need to clean my stovetop again before I decide to snap a pic! LOL!

Be sure to tune in each day this week as I bring you "A Very Pinteresting Christmas" Linkup and if you have any Pinterest inspired activities throughout the week, be sure to grab the above button and linkup your ideas! "A Very Pinteresting Christmas" will be 15 days of Pinterest inspired food, fun, crafty days of linkups that all can be used during this wonderful season of joy. It will run from December 2-20 here at The 4-Crow's. I hope you will join in on the fun!
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